So, this is the story of my
Rog Tytan G30AB. My first ever gaming machine which i bought from hard-savings of $1600, and lived off Peanut butter sandwiches for almost a year. lol
Even though, i barely gamed(CS:Go) on it, but i do use it a lot for video encoding, heavy programing, movies, web development etc.,
The machine was great in the beginning, but then i started fingering it. Things i did to it:
- Bios flashed (maybe hundred of times)
- Deleting / loading default secure keys multiple times.
- Sold the original Scandisk 120gb ssd the PC came with, and bought Samsung 850 EVO 500GB
- Re-installation of Windows(maybe hundreds of times, literally!!! i am not kidding!)
- Encrypted, Bitlocker this and that... all kind of f-up things!
- Changed the original Ralink WLan with USB 300N adapter.
- Bought ASUS Z97M Plus mobo, put my CPU and other components in it. Then, sold that mobo and brought the components back into my original mobo.
- Bought exactly the same ASUS G30AB mobo on eBay, and put my components in it. LOL
- Put my components back into my original mobo. And, created another ASUS G30AB PC with the other mobo(by buying i5--4670k CPU and a Ram mdule.
- Installed other OS(Ubuntu) without taking any backup of main SSD drive.
- Formatted/Wiped out drives, even the HDD 3TB Toshiba.
- Changed the AIO cooler. Played around with the pins, CPU_fanheader to Chasis_1 and back and forth. Really screwed it up!
- Installed multiple Windows (Windows 7 pro, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 Pro) even though my PC came with OEM Windows 8, which i later upgraded to Windows 10...when MS was pushing it hard.
- Changed PSU. Bought SeaSonic 650 Focus Gold 80 Plus.
- Graphics Card? hehehehee... don't even get me started. Original came with OEM GTX660 3GB, and then the greedy me, who changed it into:
- .................EVGA GTX 970 4GB
- .................ASUS GTX 750 2GB
- .................ASUS GTX 770 OCDC 2GB
- .................ASUS STRIX GTX OCDC2 960 4GB
- .................ASUS GTX OCDC2 760 2GB
- .................Gigabyte GTX 1050 4GB
- .................ASUS STRIX GTX OCDC2 960 2GB
- .................ASUS STRIX GTX960 OCDC2 2GB
I know what you're thinking.... lol. I just can't even explain. I think i could have opened my own little shop. lol It's one of those things where you scratch your head and think, what the hell? Why did i try all those graphics card? Why i never settled with just one?
Reason: Stupidity. Not learning to stay content with what i had.
I was going crazy.... I bought Intel 8600K i5 CPU, and the new ASUS Mobo, RAM.... and thought i would build a new machine myself. Those component are still sitting idle, still in their packaging... cuz i didn't want to quit on my baby, G30AB!
So, today, I sat down... flashed the bios one last time, cleared the Secure boot keys, installed clean Windows 8.1 Home and the original drivers etc., MS Updates etc.,
Result? you won't believe but my dead baby is BACK! Yes, he's back, life is back! Life isssssssssssss back!!! HE'S BACK!
🙂Things Back to Normal:
- AI Suite II
- PC Quiet and Working like a Charm
- No more Weird Events in Computer Management
- No more WLan frozen or stuttering sound
- No more System hangup/Bluescreen/Blank Screen or any type of weird screen
- Sound Quality so loud and crisp that i can wake the whole neighbourhood 🙂
- Microsoft Upgrades went smoother than a peanut butter
- Graphics Card(even though it's a GTX960 2GB) quiet and performing superb. Video quality so great that i can cound the pixels on my screen (1920 x 1200
- Intel LAN Gigabit working like a rocket without screwing my Router or anything.
- No more Windows Time update issues, SSL, or Certificate issues.
Some Benchmarking Screenshots: (notice what Userbenchmark site says: "that the PC is controlled by some even though my Bitdefender was busy in the background, and i ran all the benchmarks with Balance powermode. I don't change Windows power mode now. I have learned from my experience that it screws things up. And, you should listen to me cuz the reasons above... LOL
Userbenchmark Link: CPUZ Benchmark Result

So, kids... what did you learn today?
- Never ever try fingering your original pre-build machine and it's OEM components.
- Never ever take up on that "FREE" chocolate a stranger gives you in dark alley; MS is known to cause issues with its updates.
- And, don't even dare to switch CPU_Fan and Chasis_Fan with eachother. Don't try to be an electrician!
- Last but not the least, always learn to be content with things you already have. More is never good!