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Random black/grey/yellow/red screen (at idle or while watching movies... Help Me!!!!

Level 7

I have some crazy problem.... When my pc is in idle the the computer freezes and the picture turns either black, yellow, grey or red (the sound for example while watching movies stops but all the fans etc are on like they should)

There is no error code on the motherboard (Asus maximus hero Vii) and no red lamp lit on the mobo or anything when it happens, and there is no error code when I restart it by the restart button or error message on start up.

I just restart the pc with the button and It works like normal until it happens again (like 2-4) times a day under a couple of hours of use.

I recently changer my ram from 2 set of different corsair (2x4xms3 and 2x4 vengence with same specks 1600mhz xmp cl 9, and they worked like a charm for a long time) to 2x8 hyperx savage 2400mhz cl 11, i ran these at xmp profile 2 in 2133 because my pc refused to boot with xmp profile 1 2400mhz. (tryied the xmp profile 2400mhz at stock Cpu and with 4.4 oc and
It didn't matter it won't start at 2400mhz so I settled for 2133mhz.

I also changed my gpu at the same time from r9 290 tri x to a gtx Msi 980

Right now Im running the Cpu at 4.4 at 1.198 vcore as I did before the ram and gpu upgrade and it has worked perfectly for a long time (this was before the ram and gpu upgrade). I've run alot of realbench bench tests and no crashes or lock ups or anything and my temps are never over 70 while benching (I've never let the temp go over 82 while trying to push it to 4.6)

So can it be my ram who is faulty or is it my gpu or gpu driver's (the most recent) or is it my Motherboard or ram slots?

It always happens under idle (away from pc) or while watching movies never when I play witcher 3 even tough a session can be like 3 hours, cpu temp while gaming is like 67 at the hotest core.

I have power option at high performance and Ive done so nothing is going to turn it self of not the screen, hard drive anything and the system is set to not go in to sleep mode or anything like that even thing is turned of and att max performance.

As I write this I've disabled xmp to see if the problem is going away when I run the rams at 1600 mhz stock.

I hope it's not my gpu as I bought it used and with no warranty...

So help me pleas to figure this out I personally think it's the ram but I really don't know... I'm gone run som memtesting to night or tomorrow.

I have tried some immense oc'ing with alot of volt changes to alot of things etc etc but for now it's just multiplier and vcore that is changed if it goes on I will reset bios and se if that helps.

Really hope someone can enlighten me on this!

Kindest regards John

Level 14
try and reseat the GPU ( just in case poor contact ).
change out the cable you use for another one ( to eliminate the cable )
did you do a fresh install when you changed the GPU's?
did you delete the old drivers before instaling the new GPU whit nvidia drivers?
this have nothing to do whit OC or memory, the atifacts is made by the GPU, or cable+++

kkn wrote:
try and reseat the GPU ( just in case poor contact ).
change out the cable you use for another one ( to eliminate the cable )
did you do a fresh install when you changed the GPU's?
did you delete the old drivers before instaling the new GPU whit nvidia drivers?
this have nothing to do whit OC or memory, the atifacts is made by the GPU, or cable+++

I will do that! Blow it clean and reset the card to night. I saw that after the error yester day I red light was on after I restarted the pc with the button after a yellow screen,don't know with one cause I just saw it thru the opening in the top so I will check that tonight also I will also try another cable.
BTW it's not just the screen it locks up and then just a one colllerd screen appears...
And it worked fine before I changed the memory and oc'ed so I'm going to reset the bios to rule that out and try the dvi port instead of hdmi on the card...

But it can't be the drivers?

When I installed the card I completely removed windows and did a clean install I will remove the drivers tonight and reinstall these...
It just sucks if it is the card.... What could be wrong with the card if it is something wrong with it?

Kindest regards John

Level 14
try and install an older driver, maby the 355.82 ( if you can find an old one ) and try and see if there is enny diffrence then.
and do a custom instal, do not instal the nvidia experience.

kkn wrote:
try and install an older driver, maby the 355.82 ( if you can find an old one ) and try and see if there is enny diffrence then.
and do a custom instal, do not instal the nvidia experience.

Hello and thanks for the advice!

All the problems started when i changed the DDR to a couple of new ones and at the same time i did some imense overclocking involving both the ram´s and the cpu, thats why i was so certain that the problem was because of that...

I spent like 8 hours on the oc and was pretty satisfied, and it bothers me that i dident thought that i could be a driver problem in the first place...

I roled back to the driver i installed when i bought the card in january, and it worked perfect then and now my pc havent had any problem with frezzez or grey, black, yellow screen.

so hopefully it was the driver (now running everything stock, cleard the cmos etc, and experienced grey screen after that so it had nothing to do with the oc at all) and as i said i works just as before now!

when i used my pc for this long before i had grey screen like three times and nothing yet so im pretty sure it was a driver problem.

Why does my card react like this with the new drivers ? does it happens to every one with a 980 msi card? is there somthing i can do to be able to uppdate to the latest or should i just wait for the new ones to apper and try them until they have fixed it?

Level 40
The last 2 drivers from Nvidia 364.47 and 365.51 are garbage and have caused so many problems for so many people....

362.00 or 361.91 work well.

Level 14
glad is worked out for you smegmer.
no need to update to newest update all the time 😛
i can spend months on the same GPU driver for example before i update it ( this can come down to the game i have for example ).
no need to update some thing that works 😉

kkn wrote:
glad is worked out for you smegmer.
no need to update to newest update all the time 😛
i can spend months on the same GPU driver for example before i update it ( this can come down to the game i have for example ).
no need to update some thing that works 😉

Yes! so am I! i was crazy worrid my gpu had gone FUBAR on me...

No i now im just that kind of guy who wants to update everything as soon i get the chance 😉 Lerned my lesson NOW!

And i was sooooo deep in my oc fiddling and was only thinking about that and it all started in the same time i dident even remebered that i updated the driver at all and it bothers me so much that i threw it all away in haste and
that i dident considerd all the other possible errors XD

well well happy as **** that my pc i working flawless again and ive tweked with my oc so many times so i can dpo it again 🙂

Thanks for the help (To every on who commented)!
