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Quitting Smoking?

Level 10
Hey, so this might be a little off topic, but does anyone here smoke? My gf and I do, especially while online gaming, MMO's can be stressful :mad: , but we've been thinking about quitting, and i've tried several times without success....

Anyways, one of my coworkers is using e-cigarettes to stop smoking. This seems like a pretty good idea, especially for my gf, who has an oral fixation 😉 ...... haha jk. But i dont know anything about them, besides trying them once or twice.... they seem ok. Does anyone use them? If so what is a good brand that is cheap and actually works?
ROG Notebooks: G75VW, G74SX, & G73JH And a gaming rig.

Level 11
next month makes 1 year for mr that i am clean
good luck to everyone triyng to quit

Level 11
firstly= I would like to congratulate everyone here that
has quit smoking as I know how hard it is as I myself just
quit perhaps 5 months ago, lost my father last year to
stage 4 lung cancer and it was a real eye opener.......
Don't wish to see anyone go like that including myself ....
figured my wife and two lovely young girls deserve allot
more ......
I used patches, lollies which ruined my teeth lol and now mostly
the first 2 to 3 months are the hardest and like someone else here
allready said you need to wan't to do it, I forced my self to hate
them but was planning on giving them up for a while, so yeah if
you can do it I smoked for atleast 25 years, o.o
good luck and congrates to all that having given that filthy habit

Ps: never was allowed or did smoke inside the house, because of
kids I suppose, lol good excuse for me now to spend more cash
on my hardware 😄

Level 10
My wife and I stopped smoking over a year ago, I feel so much better it's not even funny. We both used chantex, it kept us calm during the with drawl. Don't give up keep trying to quit.