Please introduce yourself and let us know more about you.
Let me start off, My name is ottoyu34. You can find me in few other forums with the same name. Computers being one of my biggest hobbies. I'm into overclocking (for 24/7),watercooling,system building,gaming,folding,etc.
After being in the Apple world for the last 6 years, I decided to go back to PC. I purchased the ASUS ROG G751JY-DH71 off Amazon and I should be having it by this Friday. 😄
My name is Tom (nz_kiwi) I live in New Zealand. I am an average gamer at best, preferring slower games like Fltsim. I really registered here to get some overclocking advice and to talk about any issues I might have if I do decide to O\C my CPU\MB.