I am an enthusiast gamer from Germany with a long history (over 20 years) of PC Gaming and doing stuff on the PC, so I am a quite experienced PC User with a high affinity for everything (news, technologies, hardware, etc.) related to PC Gaming and IT. I am not so young anymore (broke the magic 30 barrier; 32 y.o. right now), but despite that, I call myself and also feel myself a gamer the same way I felt over 15 years ago 😉
I assembled my first own PC back in 2007 and from that point on, I have always preferred and chosen ASUS, when it comes to Motherboards - though, the GPU I decided for my first own PC was also from ASUS (8800 GTX). My second hardware compilation was a litte over 5 years ago and I decided for the ASUS Z87-K (C2) as my motherboard.
Now, approx. 2 months ago, I successfully did my 3rd hardware upgrade. Again, it was an almost complete upgrade (changed/upgraded many components, including MB) and again, ASUS was my motherboard of choice - this time it's the mighty Maximus X Hero (Z370), because for the first time in my PC career, I want to do serious CPU and Memory Overclocking (it's a shame, I know) and because, I maybe will later upgrade to a 9900K or 8700K (my actual CPU is a boxed 9600K - the former two CPUs are just too expensive right now...). I decided for Z370 over Z390, because I want to keep using Windows 7 and Z390 just doesn't want to run without sacrifice (no native USB 3.0/3.1) on W7 - it's very sad and frustrating, I know, because I much like desired to have a Z390 chipset... 😞
So much for now,
T.S.O.M. (you can also call me "Morpheus" for short 😉 )