Hello - My name is Peter, I've been a gamer since as far as I can remember. I started with NES games, but since I was born in Armenia (one of the former Soviet republics), I only got my hands on Dendy - an unlicensed Russian knockoff Nintendo, but loved all the games nonetheless. I moved on to Sega Genesis when I moved to Ukraine, and later moved to US where I had the pleasure of owning a PS2, PS3, and now PS4 (Pro) and Xbox One. I only ever got to play N64 games on an emulator, but loved them nonetheless. At one point was addicted to and played lots of WoW, from mid-vanilla all the way to WotLK (then intermittently played Cata and MoP before quitting all together, but plan to return once they release classic servers).
I actually am more of a console gamer than PC (yes, I know, shame me), but that's not to say that I don't like PC - WoW is my favorite game and that's a PC game - I just love some of the things console gaming offers - such as social aspects of being able to see when my friends are on and invite them to a party and talk to them without using a third-party software like skype/vent/etc. I like being able to play couch co-op games with friends, and I like the uniformity that console gaming offers - i.e. everyone playes on the same machine and everyone is playing the same game designed to run on said machine - there is no optimization that needs to happen on my end.
With that said, I do like all games and all platforms and that's why I bought myself an Asus ROG G751JY. It doesn't run as smoothly as I had hoped, considering how much of a beast the machine is on paper, so I will ask for some troubleshooting and optimization advice on another thread, but as far as gaming goes - that's basically my bio.
Outside of gaming, I also like to ride my motorcycle and have a GoPro I shoot videos with when I ride that I eventually plan on editing into YouTube ready ones and starting a vlog, which is the MAIN reason I bought this computer, as I hear video editing is even more demanding than gaming.
Happy to join the community - always nice to be among like-minded individuals. I hate that in today's day and age, video games are still stigmatized as "bad" yet arts and crafts is somehow an acceptable hobby.