Please introduce yourself and let us know more about you.
Let me start off, My name is ottoyu34. You can find me in few other forums with the same name. Computers being one of my biggest hobbies. I'm into overclocking (for 24/7),watercooling,system building,gaming,folding,etc.
Hello Everyone My name is Sufiyan, i am a console gamer and have decided to move into pc gaming. My PC build is not complete yet, when its complete i will join the MasterRace 😄
Hi! Im Teddy, and goes under the name DrDonkeypunch, yea I know, original 😄
I'm an avid gamer, and does a lot of work from my computers aswell, a lot of 3D and cad drawing, aswell as sketches for designing all kinds of stuff, and I also play a lot of music.
Hello, my name is Jerra ,( Israel ) and i am new member today, i hope to learn more about asus and to share information too. i live in mesa arizona, my daily job is carpet installer, but my passion are the computers, is great to be part of this great team here. Thank you for letting me be part of this family.