Hey everyone, I'm truelai. I've been a netizen since the 80s and am a sysadmin amongst other things. I know my way around Windows, OS X, and Linux and am looking to get a new ROG GL553V working with Ubuntu. This is my mission. Can anyone help me execute?
I've seen the Linux thread and how more Linux users are needed here. Well, I'm here. I'd love to have some help and create some content here for other Linux users which will, hopefully, lead to more Linux users in here and lead to the growth of support material for Linux users on ROG rigs.
Also, I love animals, I'm a kitchen ninja, I love good whiskey, and am a hobbiest political analyst with a focus on Nat Sec, surveillance, the cyber theater, and the influence of the Nabucco pipeline on US Foreign Policy and strategy.
Linux bruh.