I was bitten by the PC bug back in the 80's and still feeling the effects of it today. My first "PC Per se'" was the C64. I then moved on to try out the 8088 and all the subsequent x86 architecture from then on. With custom PC's really taking shape around the 3 and 486 era. Needless to say, I've been around a while and saw quite a lot over the years. I still build custom PC's for customers and myself. I have always been a Huge fan of Asus products. Way back when, Asus was just getting started but had already made quite the name and if you owned an Asus board you were definitely an enthusiast. I have, and have had, many Asus boards, along with their other products. I currently run the RVE10 in my setup and I just built my wife a new system a few weeks ago and used the Strix X99 in it. So anyway, I am a bonafide tech junky. I am a DIE HARD PC gamer and builder. I have been loyal to PC's for over 30 years and don't intend to stop until I'm dead. Glad to be part of yet another group of enthusiasts who share a passion like I do. Thanks for having me!:cool:
Slow down catfish, you're flappin' too fast