Please introduce yourself and let us know more about you.
Let me start off, My name is ottoyu34. You can find me in few other forums with the same name. Computers being one of my biggest hobbies. I'm into overclocking (for 24/7),watercooling,system building,gaming,folding,etc.
Hello everyone l am from Türkiye. l am a music teacher. l like to play online games. Rpg and gothic era games. And l want to share information about games and pc aquipments and some software . And l need help about my Asus strix tactic pro..:confused: ..... Help pllss hellp mee.. 🙂 FN key doest workk, l tried All the wayy except bios update 😞 My pc's mother board is so old, may be l have to change I dont know , l am trying to repair since a month,,..
Am Tom from the Netherlands, new to this forum and this is actually first forum I ever joined. My life is boring ! work 40 hours 😞 But plenty time for my hobbys. I like to game and tinker with OC settings. I like to debate OC's 🙂 am pretty novice in that.
Hey people of ROG, awesome to be here, have not completed my second PC build with a mighty Maximus VI Extreme motherboard with some hot other components to make for an awesome 4k gaming experience :cool:
Hi Im Martin Bednar, im too old haha, im from Switzerland. Like gaming, OC but still dont forget to go out sometime. As im old i started first MS-Dos Gaming 😉 never was a fan of console, over the years i had different PCs but the last few years think it has been almost 10years as i buyed my first ASUS product it was a P5Q3 Motherboard with an Intel x9770 was awesome PC but now i wanned to move to something better so i buyed an Rampage V Extreme u3.1 nice piece hoping to get a lot of it :cool:
Hello everyone, I'm Reno. My computer died a few years ago and its taken me some time to get it back together. I spent the last year researching and learning about MB and CPU's, more than I really wanted to learn. But I've finally put together a system that fits my budget and what I hope will suffice my needs for several years to come. The only game I play at this time is Arma3 and hope I've created the appropriate system for this . I've got many questions that I need to ask which I'll be posting soon but I must say that I'm really impressed with what I see here in ROG. The information, the assistance and respectfulness provided by its members. I'm sooo jazzed right now!
I've been building PCs since I was a kid in the mid 90s. The first computer I've ever built was a Pentium 90mhz with 128mb of memory running Windows 3.1. This planted a seed that has taken me through various journeys in life eventually leading to a career in software development.
I purchased my first ASUS product (motherboard) back when I built a Pentium 4 computer and have been a loyal ASUS motherboard user since. Purchased my first ROG product recently but am having issues with it. Hoping ASUS will take care of me. 🙂