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New forum appearance worse than previous

Level 11

Anyone else thin the new lool is worse, information wise that is?


Can only see 5 threads per page and that only shows when it was created not when last comment was. Previously we could see 10+ thresds [er page and actually see when the last comment made in a thread was. Right now I can see threads shown as 1 week ago when ithe last comment was made today. I can't see most recent comment made  at x day/time without clicking to view a thread. Which results on me having to click and view threads to find out if there has been any new comments since I last checked.

Oh and Subscribing to threads has never worked for me. Not even in threads I've created so i gave up on that. Is this just me or is this the same behaviour for others? How do you all feel about the STUPID.....sorry, 'SMART' device style HUGE listings that requires more work and time, minimals as that may be, to interact with?

104 REPLIES 104

Level 9

How am I supposed to see "what's new since my last visit"?  On the list of topics, I see when the topic was created -- but nothing to indicate whether it has replies that are recent or new since my last visit.

And is there a setting to stop seeing the "first post" on EVERY PAGE???  Especially with the longer first posts, its a real pain to scroll down through that at the top of every single page.

Level 9

The new "forum" can hardly be called a forum, because no overview of threads exists. This mess can hardly be called ergonomically or user-friendly. The new "forum" is broken by all means. It's a shame, that ASUS real forum was migrated to such ugly and unproductive structure.

Community Admin
Community Admin

There is an overview for all latest posts on the home page directly under "Trending Topics".

Did you guys notice the tabs at the top of the page? Everyone catergory has an overview. Try clicking on the categories and then you'll find all the 'most recent' threads with new posts by default, if you click on it, you'll also see the last post immediately without jumping to the last page. 

After some consideration, post editing is now allowed for existing memebers who previously could. 

You could also filter by most viewed, commented, or liked.

@frytom wrote:

The new "forum" can hardly be called a forum, because no overview of threads exists. This mess can hardly be called ergonomically or user-friendly. The new "forum" is broken by all means. It's a shame, that ASUS real forum was migrated to such ugly and unproductive structure.


FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin

@MasterC wrote:

There is an overview for all latest posts on the home page directly under "Trending Topics".

Did you guys notice the tabs at the top of the page? Everyone catergory has an overview. Try clicking on the categories and then you'll find all the 'most recent' threads with new posts by default, if you click on it, you'll also see the last post immediately without jumping to the last page. 

After some consideration, post editing is now allowed for existing memebers who previously could. 

You could also filter by most viewed, commented, or liked.

@frytom wrote:

The new "forum" can hardly be called a forum, because no overview of threads exists. This mess can hardly be called ergonomically or user-friendly. The new "forum" is broken by all means. It's a shame, that ASUS real forum was migrated to such ugly and unproductive structure.

1. I don't see trending but then I'm not exactly looking.

2. Filter by most recent = may be latest response but date and time is still when it was created meaning you actually have to click and load individual thread s to identify if there are any new comments since you last looked.

Top thread, mine, created Thursday

next thread created in 2021. most recent comment 4 hours ago


I could have gone  further done the list and attched more screenshots of threads with most recent comment more than a day ago but this emphasises the point. We do NOT need to see the date when a thread was created from the thread list. We need/want to see exactly when the last comment was, like we used to on the old forum and like every other forum.

 Sorted by Most recent....jpg

Level 9

How am I supposed to see "what's new since my last visit"?

Level 11

While I'm at it,

Notifications. Don't need a notification saying

xUser + 12 others replied

xUser + 12 others replied

xUser + 17 others replied

xUser + 26 others replied

Tell me what is NEW, Don't need to be told 1-2 xUsers + a total every time. JUST WHAT IS NEW


Next up, how to remove the double line spacing? I'm not creating paragraphs above just wanted to make it a little neater instead of

While I'm at it,Notifications. Don't need a notification saying. xUser + 12 others replied, xUser + 12 others replied, xUser + 17 others replied, xUser + 26 others replied. Tell me what is NEW, Don't need to be told 1-2 xUsers + a total every time. JUST WHAT IS NEW

EDIT: Next up. Why if I have comments set to sort by day/time is it slapping my new comment at the bottom of the page with a timestamp of 2 seconds ago below a comment timestamped yesterday when Iif I scroll to the top I can see some from minutes/hours ago. Kinda mixes up the whole sort function if we need to manually refresh a page after we leave a comment for it to be sorted correctly

ROG has invested and built a brand-new forum for all the enthusiasts who want to share, discuss, and contribute constructively. We reserve the right to demote in rank or remove any members who are not here in the spirit of doing so.

Constructive feedback is very welcome, hostility and persistence to be confrontational towards admins and moderators for self gain will not be tolerated. Please consider others and make this a postive community for all, a place where new visitors and moderators will find inviting and not intimidated. 

The new ROG Forum has the capability and flexibility for changes and additional features (which are coming). It CAN evolve into a platform that serves everyone. If you have ideas about how to improve, then by all means - share in an appropriate manner.  

FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin

I think the comments in this thread give you a a good idea of what needs changing. It's all well and good to invest in a new forum but only if it functions better than the one it is replacing, not worse.

If there is more stuff coming why open it up to everyone half baked?  That is only going to provide a platform for criticism.

I don't know how well Asus thought this through before releasing it. 

Sorry didn't realise my bluntness came over that way. Wasn't intentional and not aimed at anyone in particular was partly a vent due to frustration that this new forum has been implemented in it's current state. Not something I could have implemented in this state whilst I still designed web sites 20+ years ago.

The capitlising isn't me shouting at anyone, though I understand why it comes across that way. It's just to emphasise something. Nerve damage and left hand doesn't work as well as it should. Much easier to just turn on Caps Lock than it is to Underline/bold text...using shortcuts, especially when I can't see a way to underline text from the above bar with B and I but no U. Thus in a civil way can we please get a U to underline text.


No excuse but just spent 5 weeks in Hospital losts of different meds, not sleeping well and honestly rather irritable which clearly shows. Back at home yesterday everning. Slept soo much better and only have 2 new medications to take so hopefully I will feel more like myself and not irritable at every little thing.


Again I apologise for my tone in some of my comments.



@MasterC wrote:

ROG has invested and built a brand-new forum for all the enthusiasts who want to share, discuss, and contribute constructively. We reserve the right to demote in rank or remove any members who are not here in the spirit of doing so.

Constructive feedback is very welcome, hostility and persistence to be confrontational towards admins and moderators for self gain will not be tolerated. Please consider others and make this a postive community for all, a place where new visitors and moderators will find inviting and not intimidated. 

That's is great that you guys invested in updating the forums, but regardless criticism is just that criticism it can come off harsh or mean and sometime un constructive but don't threating people over criticism is honesty a bad move. Take it as a grain of salt and see why its so Harsh.

The new ROG Forum has the capability and flexibility for changes and additional features (which are coming). It CAN evolve into a platform that serves everyone. If you have ideas about how to improve, then by all means - share in an appropriate manner.  

This great and I hope you will take all the criticism and see what works with new system, not sure why you released an un-finished system. But at the moment it is a little difficult at first to navigate and down right frustrating and in my opinion not New user friendly. I would recommend swapping the welcome Banner and the Forums Topics menu. the Forums topics seems disassociated with the rest of the page should be just above the trending topics but  this is soley my opinion hope this helps.