03-23-2023 03:43 AM
Anyone else thin the new lool is worse, information wise that is?
Can only see 5 threads per page and that only shows when it was created not when last comment was. Previously we could see 10+ thresds [er page and actually see when the last comment made in a thread was. Right now I can see threads shown as 1 week ago when ithe last comment was made today. I can't see most recent comment made at x day/time without clicking to view a thread. Which results on me having to click and view threads to find out if there has been any new comments since I last checked.
Oh and Subscribing to threads has never worked for me. Not even in threads I've created so i gave up on that. Is this just me or is this the same behaviour for others? How do you all feel about the STUPID.....sorry, 'SMART' device style HUGE listings that requires more work and time, minimals as that may be, to interact with?
03-23-2023 06:45 PM
Yeah, I can't say I particularly like this, and don't really feel it's a functional improvement.
Visually, it does kinda look nicer or more modern or something. It's responsive enough, in terms of serving pages quickly and loading stuff. Those are the positives, but unfortunately are not truly all that important.
Not being able to edit or delete a post/reply you've just made is fairly terrible. That also makes the forums quite unusable for information resources like MoKiChu's driver threads.
The activity list on the front page just doesn't seem like a good replacement for the old search which gave you a dense list of today's posts. The information density there is quite poor, with lots of blank space and space wasted on showing the text from the first post of each topic. The old vBulletin search and indices crammed in far more information per screen, allowing much faster review of what's changed since the last time you looked.
Also, there doesn't seem to be any way to report a post? That seems like a very strange omission.
03-23-2023 06:55 PM
How do I get to a thread I have looked at previously and have it jump to the first unread post rather than going to the original post everytime and having to scroll to the new posts? How can you even tell which is new? I can't see and banner in a corner that says it is new since my last visit to the thread.
03-23-2023 09:55 PM
Thank you guys for your valuable feedback. I can easily change the number of posts per page. Would everyone prefer 10 like the previous forum? One of the key updates is usability on mobile devices. You'll find that is far easier to navigate around, upload, and post in the new ROG Forum on your phone or tablet now.
As for avatars, post editing and deleting, etc., we have a new system to reward those we are good contributors. You can see that we have a new ranking system (levels), as you rank up - your privileges increase. For those who are not here to be a part of this community, then the system will not offer all the features. We do apologize that everyone's ranking is different now, but it will serve those who are in the spirit of helping, sharing, and contributing.
03-23-2023 10:06 PM
Is there any way to get the date and time of the most recent reply to a topic shown in the activity feeds and sub-forum indices? Either instead of the time of first post or in addition to it. The time of the first post isn't all that useful, compared to the time of the most recent reply, as the latter tells you instantly whether there has been anything new added since you last looked and lets you browse through the indices looking at recent activity.
03-23-2023 11:36 PM
Not being able to edit a post is bizarre. I can't think of one other forum or app I visit where I cannot edit my post to correct something as simple as spelling. I always make spelling and grammar errors due to my fat fingers and to have to just leave them in an unreadable state makes no sense.
03-23-2023 11:56 PM
10 posts is a nice improvement, thanks
As for it's now easier and improved for x on mobile and tablet I refer to the topic. Designed for Stupid/Smart devices. This is sub-forum about PC motherboards and the rest of the forum is pretty much about PC hardware so the fact it's being catered for small screen devices over PC that use mice to allow fine selection instead of larger finger presses is not only disappointing but annoying. Why would I want to virew a PC hardware forum on mobil when I have an Motherboard,CPU, Mouse and Keyboard that alllows a much better interface....
Thanks for confirming the redesign is for the Stupid devices whilst alienating the people that actually bought your PC hardware...
03-24-2023 02:01 AM - edited 03-24-2023 02:02 AM
@Drayco31 wrote:
10 posts is a nice improvement, thanks
As for it's now easier and improved for x on mobile and tablet I refer to the topic. Designed for Stupid/Smart devices. This is sub-forum about PC motherboards and the rest of the forum is pretty much about PC hardware so the fact it's being catered for small screen devices over PC that use mice to allow fine selection instead of larger finger presses is not only disappointing but annoying. Why would I want to virew a PC hardware forum on mobil when I have an Motherboard,CPU, Mouse and Keyboard that alllows a much better interface....
Thanks for confirming the redesign is for the Stupid devices whilst alienating the people that actually bought your PC hardware...
I have changed to 10 posts which is better for the PC experience, since more people here are on PC. However, please consider the community as a whole, close to half use mobile devices (even when the experience on the old platform was admittedly far from ideal for that). Not everyone wants to sit at a desk to get access.
03-24-2023 05:49 AM
Although i acknowledge that a large portion of the visitors uses a mobile device, there are better solution out that that cater both worlds. The font size on mobile devices is a big concern for instance. But on the PC all the wasted space and no decent forum index with with subforums and topics is killing your forums. If i want to browse through the topics in a certain subforum i need to click page after page what was a single page before. The overview is completely gone, it feels like a waste of time finding something what was a click away before. Maybe this is progress for mobile users, it's a major drawback for pc users. Which still is the fast majority of your clients.
03-24-2023 08:53 AM
Yeah, you nailed it with the "Thanks for confirming the redesign is for the Stupid devices whilst alienating the people that bought your PC hardware..." My sentiments exactly. Not just about ASUS forums, but we are surrounded by the same garbage at every turn. I am really fed up with that absolutely idiotic approach to technology. The people making these decisions are morons that need to be fired because they suck at their jobs. I don't give a darn whether or not the web page or forum is phone friendly. It does not need to be. People that want that should go spend their time trolling forums for smartphone/tablet lovers and stop screwing things up for everyone else. This "mobile friendly" foolishness is like having a guest that you invite over for dinner poop on your living room floor.
03-24-2023 12:40 PM
@Mr__Fox wrote:Yeah, you nailed it with the "Thanks for confirming the redesign is for the Stupid devices whilst alienating the people that bought your PC hardware..." My sentiments exactly. Not just about ASUS forums, but we are surrounded by the same garbage at every turn. I am really fed up with that absolutely idiotic approach to technology. The people making these decisions are morons that need to be fired because they suck at their jobs. I don't give a darn whether or not the web page or forum is phone friendly. It does not need to be. People that want that should go spend their time trolling forums for smartphone/tablet lovers and stop screwing things up for everyone else. This "mobile friendly" foolishness is like having a guest that you invite over for dinner poop on your living room floor.
Exactly and to think the vast majority of STUPID/SMART device users called those that spent free time on computers geeks and nerds yet ecerything is being catered for them.
So annoying having an UI that cuts the amount of information visible and clickiable in favour of BIG **** and by Big I mean a single clicky larger than a the thumb of someone 30 stone when then have there devices so close the size of the text could be reduced 75% and stil be readable.
It's this direction why I stopped designing websites shortly after Smart phones hit the market. There are ways to detect the type of device the site can be displayed differently for either PC or mobile/tablet but well that means maintaining 2 different versions which = more time and cost. Something companies don't bother doing because they aim everything at the STUPID devices.
I sit infront of a large PC monitor and when Steam Changed it's library over a year ago they moved stuff to prioritise coimmunity stuff in the center of a games page and also increased the size of stuff so that I could seeless than 50% of my library per scroll down. I now have desktop shortcuts in a folder on my desktopwhere I can see all my installed games in just two columns. Have screen space for 6 columns. In the libray I need to scroll 7 times.
Sorry, I disgress. back on topic.
Link the comments into the same frame no gaps between the black. No reason to waste screen space between comments making us scroll.....sorry aimed for STUPID devices and the swipe. PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, . You sell PC hardware. That should be the primary audience. By all means add things the help STUPID devices interfaces but not at the cost of those of us that buy your expensive PC hardware.
FILL the **bleep** screen. Approx 50% of the width is wasted with 0 text because it's aimed at STUPID devices. Again minimal as it is that = more work scrolling down because the forum wastes 50% on the screen showing nothing.
Ok that will do for me before I disgress more.....