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My Maximus X Formula doesnt like pretty lights.

Level 7
So after playing around with my Maximus X Formula, everythhing was working fine. I have Corsair iCue running for the Pump RGB and ASUS Aura for all the aRGB fans and RAM.
Last night, 1 Ram stick was out of Sync, was blue when the rest were red. iCue woud fix for a second, then when Aura took over, it went its own way again.
So I uninstalled Aura and iCue and rebooted.
Now the ram is dark. progress right, ? WRONG. loaded Aura and then rebooted, for the Mobo to not see that my M.2 raid had an OS on it.
I could see it if booting to usb and said "healthy"
Windows wouldnt repair it and so I had to install windows over itself to save the windows.old and user folders.
I copied them to another driv and reinstalled the OS, this time formatting the raid.

I had updated the Bios and chipset driver from the current ASUS support page and had only had this 1 ram stick issue. until the whole thing went belly up.

Anyone else have odd RGB issues with Corsair Vengeance RGB ram or Raid BCD failures?

Level 13
I cant speak for you board but no corsair rgb kits are on the QVL list. I wanted to try the pro but didn't want issues like this. Its not so much about the MOBO as it is Corsair wanting to keep control of their RGB. I wish that the RGB on my MOBO was capable of being controlled with an external controller because Aura just plain stinks.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

JustinThyme wrote:
I cant speak for you board but no corsair rgb kits are on the QVL list. I wanted to try the pro but didn't want issues like this. Its not so much about the MOBO as it is Corsair wanting to keep control of their RGB. I wish that the RGB on my MOBO was capable of being controlled with an external controller because Aura just plain stinks.

Well seeing as about 1/2 of the Nvidia cards arent listed as compatable, (eg, Gigabyte GTX series as well as many others), I dont rely on that list too much.

My ram IS listed in the QVL (CORSAIR CMR16GX4M2C3466C16 ver4.31 16GB(8GB*2) 16-18-18-36 1.35V ).

Reloading the OS and then JUST Aura (no iCue or Link) fixed all the lighting issues for me and I was able to control the ram from Aura.