Rep means someone is thoughtful. I personally think it is a terrible way to judge whether someone knows what they are talking about.
The post directly after theirs tells you that. Then wait for hiviz,raja,praz ect .. to give the final answer.
BullShooters get shot down real quick up in here .. either you know .. or you dont.
What is useless to one may speak volumes to the next .. i would rely more on the forum leaders and mods to give
credit where credit is due.
Level counts tied to levels works well because it is visible progress .. to a point .. then the Member appreciation rep is nice ..
Mod/LeaderShip rep carries more weight .. even if done privately .. then tying the support stars or something ..
a 5 star tech for instance as opposed to a 2 star.
Being able to see 'who' rep'd you would be 'nice' to thanks them or return in kind .. but it would also show who did not ..
and may lead to hard/hurt feelings ... when all of this should be positive and forward moving for all.
Unless a member has 'all' the equipment to test or to try to reproduce an issue .. support is years of experience.
Here is another reality .. this should be as simple and not time consuming for mods ect .. there is more than enough
work to do .. we dont need to pile to much more on them ... the spammers seem to have that covered ..
a post is a post .. if it falls within the rules .. even if it is to say 'I agree with above.' or a funny picture .. it all adds
to the community as a whole .. it is the sum total that is ROG .. not all support or rma .. or overclocking or reviews ..
ie .. grotts polar bears .. or jokes amoung friends .. adds to the community atmosphere.
Tech levels should be seperate .. but not to encourage rudeness ... if a member has 1 star .. and answers ..
doesnt mean it is not the answer ... it doesnt take a 5 star tech to know .. memory slot closest to the cpu .. for example..
it is complicated .. this way .. so is this what we are saying .. someone sees a 'black belt' post ... that black belt couldnt
reach that without also being a 5 star tech ... for appearances ??
The black and white tech forum is vip.asus ......... this is ROG ... Gamers not ROTechs... humbly offered.
The best of the best of all flavors are in here .. I thought that was the whole point.
You could be the best Mod'r on the planet and be clueless as to tech aspects ... just like maybe a SuperTech may not
know which end of an airbrush is up or out .... It feels a little like elbowing for position when in truth it Does take
the whole StarWars Bar Scene together ... to ROG. And lets face it . if you make it through 2000+
posts in here without being booted for trolling or getting boo'd off stage .. then you have
real 'skin' in the game .... I dont give a rats left ear if ya know a capacitor from a muffler bearing.
Do'n the time .. adds to the shine....sometimes the only thing need is a few words of encouragement.
If we just want a straight 'support' forum only .. we can do away with most all of this and only allow
'real' techs to answer .. maybe about 4 more hiviz's .. even theViz needs a smile now and then.
One Empire at a time though .. for now .. can we get back to the OP's OQ ?
10 Member Levels: (Relating to Post Count) Suggestions ? or are we now suggesting that
this also needs to be tied to MemberAppreciationRep and Leaders/Tech/ForumRep?
This is get'n good.c.