Sorry, but I am going to vent HARD.
It would do all of us a world of good if they had a bit more communication than 'Check the RMA. Oh? Half a month has passed since the expected repair date? Um...check back in 48 hours'. I could understand if they are churning our repairs in a few days to two weeks, spending more time on repairs than keeping customers up to date. But in my case where the product has been with them for over a month, the RMA was updated more than half a month ago, and the situation is 'someone is waiting on an email from someone else'; they could, at the very least, send an email giving me some information or pay for quicker laptop return.
Like "Hey, fixed the fan. We found heat damage so we fixed the initial problem and am waiting on a replacement part, which may take a week to arrive and a day to replace. Battery was fine. Did not have to touch your SSD. Sorry for the inconvenience."; that would make me understand, get a time frame, and alleviate fears quite a bit. But for over a month it has been "repairing". Repairing just the fan? Are they waiting for lubricant for the fan? Did they find some other problem? Was the motherboard partially melted and they are waiting for a replacement? Is the battery ok? Are they going to format the computer because "reasons"? From emailing, calling, and tweeting last week all I could get was 'The RMA has not been updated for half a month, we will be more than happy to "escalate" it' whatever that means and 'the repair team is waiting on a response from someone else'. Which fantastic, can I get CC'ed so I can understand what is taking so long?
I am feeling like I should ask for my money back so I could buy a different laptop. Tomorrow I am going to post an inquiry.