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Level 7
How many people were able to pre-order the iPhone 5 today. I got on this morning and was lucky enough to preorder two white, 32GB iPhone5's. Within a few minutes of the order the system was turning people away.....

Bundy_Drop_Bear wrote:
Wow I didn't realise you were an Aussie Myk, well I'm sure it will eventually get released here maybe when the 4G network is fully utilised they will release it.

LMAO!!!! thought you'd have figured that out, linking you to PC Case Gear on a few occasions 😛

By the way, the Next G Network isn't just for covers 3 also

Level 18
Apple and Intel are Exactly the same .. as soon as the competition gets too close ... they try and starve them through court, choking out needed resourses ... hahahhaa .. Apple was one liberal court away from getting handed thier butts this time .. but the fix was in.imo.c.


chrsplmr wrote:
Apple and Intel are Exactly the same ..

Yeah, the best is an Apple product with Intel CPU! :cool: Not in the case of the iPhones though...

Level 18
yep.. the next thing ya know .. a macPro and built in iphone will come standard in the chevyVolt .. part of the ObamaNation..
.. Free Health Care .. hahahahaha .. thats a tax ? I thought it was free ? hahahaha
They passed it on a margin saying it was not a tax, then claim it legal because it is. hahhahahahaha

The only thing that isnt free is enterprise, the one thing that should be ...

Some of 'us' are get'n together and hav'n a lil teaParty in November .. maybe we can get a lil AntiTrust action going,
a taste of thier own medicine, my idea of free health care worth paying for .. like they made microsoft swallow in the 80's.
oooooooooh...dare I dream ?.c.

Level 12
LOL say intel one time and the fan boi's come out of the woodwork. I rather us a TRS-80 than intel. (I just baited my hook lets see who bytes)

Being ingnorant and ingnored one post at a time.

Level 16
Are you referring to me? 😛 Well, the thing is that I like Intel products... 🙂 I'm saying: PRODUCTS... companies and politics are not things I would think about... - don't see the rationale spending time on them...

I haven't used an AMD CPU based system for a very long time now... can not really say an opinion about them... - but, as I promised to Chris, my Testbench will be ready for it! :cool: There are some features on the new Crosshair V Formula Z I really like... now, just waiting to finish with my Intel-based stuff... and maybe a newer AMD CPU (if not, the FX-8150 is already on my shopping list)... :cool: