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Forum languages...

Level 15
Right, well, since installing the Spanish language pack for our Spanish subforum the English language version has been absolutely screwed. I've tried reloading new Eng language packs but it just makes the situation worse so I will find some time and manually go through the 20+ pages editing all the phrases when I get a few hours spare, soon. It also means I've had to delete the German and Spanish options for now.

Thanks for that vB. Sorry about the awkwardness everyone!

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Odd,, it was more than 2 minutes ago i made the post above, not 3 sec


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and may i come with a couple of suggestions for the webiste..

A possibility to download the photo attachments folder, and increased PM folder quota (or for the admins to set it individually)

and it would be cool, to be able to collects points/ranks that show under my avatar


when participating in the forum benchmarks, and other cool activities in here

the RMA league ? (just kidding)

and one more thing, whats up with the member photo galleries?? where are they, do they show?

Its in the profile i know, thats it?

where do i browse the members albums? i wanna see/search HW, builds, and mods

Its a great forum, please just put some elbow grease into the overall forum functionality, enable server DIMM slot no 2 😉

whitepaw wrote:
the rma league ?

ROFL 😄 ...good start to my Sunday

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yes if you enter a member profile, but its no general tab for the collected user albums.. where you can browse for pics and and search for HW in builds

Not applicable
No worry Arne..

I think the lap top users got all the top spots..

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we are going to Spain next month..

do you got xtra beds?, do you like fishing? and kike flying?

I will try and see if we can come and say hello to you (just over the day), i am bringing a Z97 ROG for you.. ^^

or we go to Mexico, or west india, i dont know yet, can take a flight from there tho..

it turned out to be Caribbean ... we will go there for a month, if i like it, i move there

(off topic post)

Level 9
Ahh, so that's why it says "Respuesta Rápida" under each thread? 😉 I think it can be fixed by changing one or maybe two lines of code - if you know where to look for.
EDIT: There is a button under the "Quick reply" field which says "Ir a Avanzado" (and "ALT + X" when you hover on it).
I haven't seen any other occurrences of Spanish language though.