Hello Everybody,
I am new in this forum. I have recently upgraded my system to Ryzen 5,
Here is my new Rig,
Asus Strix B350F latest bios Version 0805 AGESA
Ryzen 5 1600X
G.Skill FlareX 2x8GB F4-3200C14D- 16GFX
Asus Strix GTX970
Seasonic X-850 PSU
Windows Version: 1607 (OS Build 14393, 1480)
After Windows Installation: My problem is when I am running my PC just fine suddenly display turns of with or without vga error diagnosis led on mobo. Then nothing, it is not restarting on its own. Sometimes pressing power button also not force shutdown the pc. I need to turn it off by wall power switch and after only a complete power off it can be booted again. Now again no problem but sometimes I have received a bios message for setup it again. Switched GPU in a different PCIe lane again same problem after sometime. If I reset my OC profile to default it does not holds good. However I have tried full power off- reset bios- install gpu in 2nd lane then on and test = OK working. Again OCd CPU and after some time during stress test again screen goes blank and nothing can be done. There is something wrong in windows event viewer, in every core (all 12 logical cores) I have received a Error massage in Windows log>System:
1. "Performance power management features on processor 10 in group 0 are disabled due to a firmware problem. Check with the computer manufacturer for updated firmware."
2. "The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
{8D8F4F83-3594-4F07-8369-FC3C3CAE4919} and APPID {F72671A9-012C-4725-9D2F-2A4D32D65169} to the user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM SID (S-1-5-18) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool."
Update Windows Founder Edition Installation:
Yesterday I just thought that there might be software issue and started to uninstall some software/driver. Since AM4 Chipset Driver comes with Asus Strix B350F motherboard is 1.4 GB and as per I remember during installation of this chipset driver I have seen Radeon. So I thought that this might be the problem. So uninstalled all AMD software, then uninstalled Nvidia Driver> run DDU> cleaned both AMD driver and Nvidia driver one after another. Started windows again and it is running fine without any graphics driver for almost 1 and half hours. Normally I face this problem after 5 to 15 mins after PC starts.
Since I have downloaded the latest Windows 10 iso (founders update) so I decided to clean install windows again. After formatting installed all necessary drivers one by one and then updated windows 10 and others. My pc was on for almost 6.5hrs no problem. This time I have not installed any AMD chipset driver and windows automatically installed them. In device manager not found any unknow device after windows update is complete.
Today morning when I switched it on again now again same problem. The display turns off on its own after 5-10 mins and never recovers unless a full wall switch shutdown. but this time onward no VGA light of mobo is glowing seems fine everything but not the display.
I am very sure that it is not a hardware problem. Something in the windows 10 either it's update or some driver is causing this issue. I have posted my problem in some other forums as well but till date not received any solution or something. The problem is very annoying for me specially after spending good amount of money on quality components. Please help & Please please keep me informed if you need any info.
Thanks for reading.