We wanted challenges for our minds and also an enthralling game. Would you like to be part of our project? As a player you have to activate all the tiles of the floor. The challenge? There will be broken tiles and other obstacles - like teleports, fire and ice - that will make it harder to you. Also, you never have the chance to go back. “E-path” will make you think.
But this is just the beginning! After six months of hard work with no other resources than our best hopes, we have finally finished “e-path.” You can download it here:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...m_campaign=julIn order to complete all next stages of the development of the game, we need our own servers and more fellow programmers that would want to help us in this adventure.
All the money will be invested in the servers for the game and the development team in order to add the following features:
• Sharing the maps you generate with other friends.
• Compare your scores with other people all around the world.
• Create your own maps, not only done randomly, but by choosing each tile type and position.
• Create new kinds of tiles, to make it even more interesting.
• Have an Ad-free version.
• Create tournaments, as if it is the new kind of "chess" sport.
• Direct online playing in cooperative mode.
If more income than expected is achieved, also an iOS, Windows Phone 8, and browser version will be developed.
If the goal is not reached, the features will also be planned, but not all of them will be available or released (due to server costs / people work).
If you are a Gamer and want this gaming effort to success. Please look at here.
http://www.indiegogo.com/epathgameYou will get different facilities for funding.