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Competition Time: Got One? Win One!

Level 15
It’s competition time again and in cooperation with AMD we’ve got five ASUS Radeon HD 6870 DirectCU (EAH6870 DC/2DI2S/1GD5) cards to give-away, but, dear friends, there’s a catch:

You’ve got to have one to win one.

Who is eligible?

If you already own an AMD Radeon HD 4000, 5000 or 6000 series graphics card or AMD (socket FM1) APU
, and you either want a Radeon upgrade or a chance at trying out CrossFire (or even 3-way CrossFire!), you can enter this competition.

How to enter:

1. Download GPU Tweak and take a screenshot of your HD 4000, 5000 or 6000 series hardware like this:

If for any reason GPU Tweak doesn’t work, simply run ASUSxGPU-Z.exe from the GPU Tweak install directory and post a picture of GPU-Z alone.

2. Register or login to the ROG forums (it’s free!) and attach the picture to a reply in this thread below (showing off your overclock is always awesome, but not required).

3. Once the competition ends, we’ll put all your usernames into our ROG hat and choose five winners at random!

Now the serious bit: The Rules:

One entry per person (we do check!).
ASUS ROG reserves the right to remove entries it deems have broken the rules.
Any submitted pictures with desktop wallpaper visible in the background must be family friendly please (yes we know you guys!): no nips or adult bits in view. Removed posts equal entry disqualification.
Due to website downtime the competition closure has been moved to Sunday 25th 23:59pm (GMT).
ASUS ROG will contact the winners by forum private message/registered email address – so please make sure these are monitored.
ASUS ROG is not responsible for any customs charges or taxes – please check if you are liable before entering.
No cash or hardware alternative is on offer, only the boxed EAH6870 DC/2DI2S/1GD5.
EAH6870 DC/2DI2S/1GD5 requires two PCI-Express 6-pin power connectors and compatible space above (due to heatsink) and below (due to dual-slot design) in your case – please make sure you have the space available before entering.

381 REPLIES 381

dorku wrote:
And the Winners ARE ???

It's going to take me several hours to round up 36 pages I'm afraid. We will announce soon!

Level 15
Reopened thread to discuss/congratulate all the winners! 🙂 Well done you 5!

Aw I was hoping to win one but congrats to the winners. I'll keep a look out for future contests.

We’re going competition crazy today! After receiving nearly 300 entries (!!) to our Got One Get One competition we recorded all the submissions to put into a hat, and then for fun we cataloged the distribution of everyone’s graphics cards:

Radeon HD 4000 Series Entries: 21%
Radeon HD 5000 Series Entries: 27%
Radoen HD 6000 Series Entries: 51%
AMD APU Entries: <1%
(Radeon HD 6800 Series submissions wanting a +1 for CrossFire: 34% (of total entries))

Finally a huge thank you to all of you who took the time to submit a screenshot to the competition thread.

And the winners of a new ASUS Radeon HD 6870 DirectCU each, are:






We will be contacting our 5 winners via your forum registered email address, so please check it! If you didn’t win this time, stay in touch as we’re always not far away from a new competition!

Our 5 lucky winners get a new one of these! (In a box)

Awww, what a chance =/ gratz to the winner anyway =D

Level 7
I didn`t win 😞
Congrats to the winners!

Congrats guys you will enjoy the new cards trust me.

Congrats to the lucky winners!

stunned and shocked, thanks a bunch as i was looking to get a 6670 to replace the 4670, it games 1280x720 hi details with no problem, now its the sky's the limit...well you know. crappy pic's to follow.

Level 18
5 times better than I thought ... musta missed the fine print ... Fantastic.

Congrats to all 5 Winners ... Now don't forget to come back and ROG us
when you get those cards up and crank'n.......well played all.c.

Level 10
I am stunned, I never win anything.

Thankyou enormously Asus and RoG 😄

Congratz to the other winners as well 🙂

Pics will follow as soon as its installed alongside my existing 6870 🙂

Thanks again 🙂