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Forum Posts

New ROG Avatars are now available!

We just released some new avatars! Head over to your profile pageClick on Edit Image (top right of your current avatar)Choose a collection - change to ROGPick your new avatar! Avatars                     * Please update your avatar, old ones will be ...

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MasterC by Community Admin
  • 10 replies
  • 15 kudos

New member? Introduce yourself here.

Welcome!Please introduce yourself and let us know more about you. Let me start off, My name is ottoyu34. You can find me in few other forums with the same name. Computers being one of my biggest hobbies. I'm into overclocking (for 24/7),watercooling,...

ottoyu34 by Level 10
  • 4172 replies
  • 177 kudos

Sponsorship Requests

Thank you for thinking of ASUS and ROG.The ROG site and forums are regularly inundated with sponsorship requests, but this portal does not make decisions in regards to sponsorship. This is entirely done regionally, depending on our regional teams pro...

X-ROG by Level 15
  • 51 replies
  • 24 kudos

[Important] Adjustments to the Rankings

Dear ROG Forum Members, As everyone has noticed, we have a new ranking system. Your posts, private messages, seniority and kudos have carried over from the previous forum. The new forum provides more metrics such as accepted solutions to measure one'...

MasterC by Community Admin
  • 0 replies
  • 2 kudos

Kingston SSD Manager not identifying GR6s SSD

I installed Kingston SSD Manager (v1.1.1.8) in order to update my SSDs firmware, but despite it being a Kingston's SSD dedicated to GR6, it's not identified by software, how am I supposed to update my SSD?PC: Asus ROG GR6SSD: Kingston RBU-SC100S37128...

4r8en by Level 7
  • 0 replies
  • 0 kudos

i7 Delid / Asus Motherboard OC Question

Hey Guys,so today i went ahead and delided my i7 7700k. Its the first time i ever delided and i was very nervous.Everything seems to work fine after some thermal Paste issue between ihs and cooler so i had to reinstall my H100i v2.Until then i was s...

downgrade from 1440 to 1080?

Am I crazy or what? I'm considering going back to 1920x 1080 from 2560 x 1440. I play single player stealth games, mostly the Hitman series. I have Win10 @ 175% just to be able to read the windows/browser stuff and gain little from the higher resolu...

Heini by Level 11
  • 5 replies
  • 0 kudos

Cashback z370 promotion with INTEL 760P

Hello everyone! It's my first time posting here.I've partecipated to an asus z370 cashback with intel 760p promotion the 16th of july, but unfortunately i didnt receive anything yet.I tried to contact them throught the support email (support@asus-pro...

Posting Restriction?

What's up with this? Never seen it before, and it was way longer than 30 seconds between posts."This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 132 seconds."