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Asus Strix Gtx 1070 - Led Issue

Level 7
Good Day!

I've been experiencing a trouble with the led's of my Strix 1070 OC. On some colors like yellow, the backplate would be yellow but the led of the fan shroud would be orange-ish, same goes for light green the backplate would be good but the led of the fan shroud is on yellow-ish green type. But on some colors like solid red, blue, purple, pink, green its ok. I tried checking the connection of the led's on the card all intact. Tried installing different version of aura gpu did not work also.

I really want the card to be for rma to be repaired or replaced. But I'm from the philippines and the card is bought from Tustin, CA by my uncle who went on a business trip last year. So the odds is kinda hard since I would be much more likely to spend a tid bit of cash shipping it to the us but it would be cool if asus us warranty would coordinate with asus philippines for my rma which is unlikely not gonna happen so I would probably ship it to asus us.

Thanks guys I really need some help rn.