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***4K UHD Wallpaper Competition*** Rules and voting

Level 10
Hi everyone,

First of all thanks for your participation to the Wallpaper Competition. In the past month we had some very good entries and now it's time to vote.

See all the entries here:

Please find below the rules:

Voting Rules

Public voting period: July 10th 12:01am (GMT +0) and will stop on July 24th 12:01am (GMT +0)

ROG forum members need to have 10 days membership on July 6th to have a maximum of 3 votes. The one under 10 days have the right to vote for only one entry.
ROG forum members have the right to vote one time during the public voting period.
ROG forum members can vote for a maximum of 3 entries.
ROG forum members can vote for the same wallpapers author, but for different wallpaper entry.
ROG forum members can't vote for their own wallpapers.
At the end of the public voting period, ROG staff from ASUS HQ will be chosen the winner from the top 10 entries.

We reserve the right to reject vote that do not meet requirements.

Voting format

Voting order doesn’t make any difference. One vote equal one point.
1 – Author’s name - Post #
2 – Author’s name – Post #
3 – Author’s name – Post #

Please post your vote in this thread.


  • ASUS PB287Q 4K UHD Monitor for the winner (ROG staff decide from top 10).
  • Maximus VII Gene and a ROG Front Base for the winner (ROG staff decide from top 10). The wallpaper’s author needs to have 30 days membership and 15 posts on ROG forum before July 5th.

Computex Prize

The winners will be chosen by ROG staff at ASUS HQ during the voting period. One game code will be chosen per best wallpaper based around each new product launched.

• Maximus VII Formula
• Maximus VII Impact
• Crossblade Ranger
• GR8
• G20
• GX500
• GK2000
• Gladius
• PG278Q
And don't forget, Keep pushing it !
118 REPLIES 118

Level 9
1 - Nico J – Post #236-2
2 - Knotic – Post #702-2
3 - Nico J – Post #686

It's difficult to pick only three from so many entries, but these are the most likely to be my new desktop wallpapers. 🙂
Good luck guys, and thanks ASUS ROG for the opportunity. 🙂

Level 7
1 - SakkeW – Post #303
2 - Doonheadbanger – Post #297
3 - ZenBloom – Post #135

Level 7
1. Knotic – post #700-2
2. Bozzified – post #369

Knotic – post #700-2 incredible!
BOZZIFIED – POST #369 - Great job. Light, Shadows... its so hard to make pic
WEEDARTWORK – POST #697-2 ironic style. Like this 😃

plz, vote honestly!

Level 7
3- STATIC_FX – POST #248

1st was reallygood. I wish he/she gets something even though II am competing 😄
2nd is liked by my mother, I could not have refuse 😄
3rd is the honorary mention, for his/her will to not to use ANY textures or object provided by ASUS. Totally original and handmade. As like mine.

Level 7
Just a correction for the mods.. the username is BOZZIFIED ( bozzified ) in both #369 and #495 not BOZZFIELD .. it's misspelled. Thanks.

My votes:

1. KNOTIC – POST #700-2
2. SAJXI – POST #49
3. NICO J – POST #686

Sadly only 3 votes.. just want to give props to other ones I liked and just say why I decided for the ones I voted for.

ARMATEK – #677 (I like this because it's so clean and still gives it a unique look and feel - sadly no more votes)

PIERCETHEVINCE – POST #613-1 (liked the composition but you should have flipped the image and possibly added fire coming out of ARES letters.. the writing is mirrored)

WEEDARTWORK – POST #697-2 (impressive what you have done in 3D and I love the art, but didn't feel to me like ASUS hardware branding - felt more like a cool game wallpaper.. 😞 - but it looks beautiful and you are talented with 3D)

KNOTIC – POST #702-2 (my other choice for Knotic but I felt the logo and effects were making a bit of noise over the image - stylistic but not as nice as the other one)

All great entries though. There were a few others I liked but only 3 votes.

Cheers guys. Good luck to everyone.

Level 7
1. Bozzified – Post #369
2. NICO J – POST #686
3. SAJXI – POST #204

Level 7
Pinoychaosx – post #694
eskaza – post #405
pinoychaosx – post #547
Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments.
The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine. - Nikola Tesla

Level 7
1 – Weedartwork - Post #231
2 – Knotic – Post #702-2
3 – Pestario – Post # 155

Level 10
1 - KNOTIC – POST #700-2

I think I Just spent 20 minutes trying to decide! Tried to pick ones I would actually use as my desktop... I think we should have had a rule for maximum entries! lol too many to choose from. I feel like many will get overlooked.

Good Luck!