04-18-2022 12:39 AM
04-18-2022 01:15 AM
04-18-2022 01:22 AM
04-18-2022 01:34 AM
04-18-2022 01:49 AM
Laurent0717 wrote:
i had the mem ok button on when i flashed it to 2004 and i flashed back to 1105 not sure if it was an error but i brought me to the f1 screen saying that it didnt post due to may have not that is due to instability that i should hit f1 to run setup did the mem ok being on screw things up?
04-18-2022 02:04 AM
Erwin05 wrote:
Its normal after a bios update to press F1, after a bios update a screen coms up with press F1.
I dont know if your screw thinks up.
U can try clearing CMOS. how to, u can find in the manual from your motherboard.
04-18-2022 02:31 AM
04-18-2022 02:44 PM
Erwin05 wrote:
Boot the pc up with only 1 memory stick, see what happens and do a clear cmos.
Maybe u can try Asus bios recovery mode.
04-20-2022 05:29 AM
Laurent0717 wrote:
Asus explained to me that it is a memory compatability issue since it is no where on the QVL