Solved: nothing wrong with the card. The Asus Rog Strix 3090 (non-oc) has a stock boostclock of 1695 mhz @ 350 TDP. This is low compared to other cards (e.g MSI Trio) which have a stock boost of 1785 mhz @ 370 TDP. It explains the difference in scores and reviews.
After adding 165 mhz Core clock and 112% Powerlimit (on par with Strix OC version), much better results: (GPU score 20367).
Hello everyone,
I was experiencing sub-average results with my GPU. At some point, I noticed that this card should have 2 modes:
Gaming (1695 mhz)
OC Mode (1725 mhz)
This is also mentioned on the specs: looking at GPU-Z, it seems my card is strictly in the Gaming mode (1695 mhz):

When comparing this to other cards, I see that they all have the default boost clock at 1695, where the gpu boost clock is set to 1725.
My question:
How can I enable this OC mode?
It seems that this is the reason why I'm having worse 3DMark gpu scores than a 3080 Ti.
Should the P vs Q switch be used to enable this? Since it is in Performance, but I don't see any diffences.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT:Found the answer. GPU Tweak III is needed for this, which has the 'OC Mode' option.

It's simply setting power to 106% and adding 30 mhz to the clock. Still feel my 3D Mark results are sub-average:
Default Mode: (GPU score 18 811)
OC Mode: (GPU score 19 277)
Shouldn't my results be closer to 20k GPU score?
A friends' 3080 Ti (FE) scores 19 307 at stock / default settings (
Granted it's not the same card, but still...
Also, I find theres a rather large gap between my clock and average clock frequency, compared to similar cards:
Clock frequency: 1.965 MHz
Average clock : 1.736 MHz
Other cards /w same specs