11-22-2021 03:33 AM
11-22-2021 07:18 PM
11-23-2021 05:16 AM
Do you have any issues while got this warning message?
Have it occurred on win10 or you install win11 in the beginning?
If you update bios 0702 and restore bios to all default settings, do you also get the warning message?
May I have the Intel Chipset drivers version?
11-23-2021 11:14 AM
11-23-2021 08:48 PM
11-24-2021 06:17 AM
Have you also restore bios to all default settings after updated to bios 0702?
Does the warning message appear right away after you boot into windows or open the specific apps?
11-24-2021 06:19 PM
11-24-2021 10:16 PM
the brand and the model name of your CPU, RAM, VGA, PSU and the PCIE devices(in which slots)
OS version & OS build
a screenshot about Intel drivers version in Armoury Crate
11-25-2021 05:21 AM
12-27-2021 10:29 PM
guzmanda2132 wrote:
This site will not let me upload the image. Here's the info as text: