05-11-2020 07:17 AM
05-11-2020 07:31 AM
05-11-2020 01:12 PM
RedSector73 wrote:
How are you cooling this ?
If you have custom bracket did you put it on correctly (some custom backing plates have protective tape that should face the board or otherwise can be installed backwards) or if possible did you over tighten the screws as either can cause this error.
Did you connect the ATX Power top left of the board (above cpu) must have 8 pin for that chip but I would have both hooked up if you can. Also check it's properly plugged in up there.
The ram needs to be in slots 2 & 4 from the CPU. (check it is seated properly as well) You could also try 1 stick only in slot 2 or 4 and than the other as a single to see if either have an is the issue. Single you could also try 1 or 3 but this second channels.
If none of this helps, then post back and will post some other ideas.
PS An 8d issue at this stage can be caused from stuff above. Hardware wise typically RAM, the CPU itself, or DOA board. Can be hard to trouble shoot this one as there is noramly three hardware causes and the stuff covered above (unless missed something .... it very late / early morning here)
8d when your overclocking means oops went to far and training of ram / cpu initialization failed. hit bios reset and try less aggressive settings.
Be back on tomorrow or someone else maybe able to help you out in the meantime. Hope you get it sorted 😉
05-11-2020 05:38 PM
05-11-2020 11:11 PM
RedSector73 wrote:
Glad you got it booting, just listed out yesterday all the different things I know of that can cause it, figured you would go through all that and find the cause. Well done.
This means your RAM is failing basic training for default RAM training in dual channel. The RAM should be in A2 and B2 (slots 2 & 4 from cpu), check there is no dust or foreign matter in the dim slots. If cant fault the board than I would conduct some testing of the ram itself.
05-12-2020 01:20 AM
Simplex wrote:
EDIT: Any information regarding the Q-code 0d and 0c? The manual only says that this codes are ”Reserved for future AMI SEC codes”
05-12-2020 02:02 AM
RedSector73 wrote:
That is all the information I have for you. I'm sorry it is not here this fixes it. 'OD' & 'OC' are both as you mentioned 'Reserved for future AMI SEC codes'
From your last post thinking RAM sounds ok, might be board or cpu. I have seen an equal blame ratio on all three hardware components, so not sure which way, you should go, maybe ask purchase shop to test out the components to help you to determine which needs RMA or ask a friend with a working system to help?
On the flip side that going to a monster machine when you get it going.
02-25-2022 11:53 PM
RedSector73 wrote:
How are you cooling this ?
... if possible did you over tighten the screws as either can cause this error.
05-11-2020 07:40 AM
05-11-2020 08:43 AM