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ROG STRIX G15 G513QY - significant FPS drops under Turbo mode

Level 7
Hi Guys,

This is my first post on the forum so I'm really sorry if i make some mistakes.

I would like to know if you suffer an issue with FPS drops under Turbo mode or manual mode with high APU/Platform watt values?

My laptop is not suffering random reboots or any crushes but it shows drops on FPS on all games every 10-15s under high load, especially on Cyberpunk or Doom Eternal (from around 60 to 15FPS) .This is strange that 3D Mark works perfect with those.

I was thinking that's CPU throtling because CPU has around 95C-97C when drops occuring however on manual mode but with lower values like APU 55W/Platform 190W CPU has the same temperatures but there are no FPS drops. I've realized that problem is not a GPU but CPU power system or whole computer power system.
I can monitor temps/power/frequencies etc. easily in real time because I'm using MSI Afterburner visible on Logitech keyboard LCD and during FPS drop frequencies of graphic card and CPU are decreasing to around 400Mhz both so it exaplains why drops exists, that's the performance of the computer on that speed but why it's happening?
If computer is not able to work on such frequencies on Turbo mode it should not be possible to turn on such mode and laptop should not be advertised that's possible to perform like that.

I'm really dissapointed due this fact that computer costs currently in Poland around 1800-1900$ is performing like that, I was not checked enough reviewes of it and i'm angry on myself that I've not bought the same Asus but with RTX3070 which was around 100$ more expensive....I've bought G513QY because it had to perform similarly or a bit better than RTX 3070.

I will call support tomorrow and will push it for RMA because this is unacceptable that is working like that.

Ive checked using Ryzen Controller that's nothing more than thermal problem, when CPU is no hotter than around 95C there are no drops, so that's a thermal throttling to keep the temp. Ive checked that on Turbo mode and everything works untill around 95C which could be truly more because sometimes those measurements are not so precise. That's my opinion.

\\UPDATE 2\\
It has to be related to Power as well, i saw drops on 88C as well but later than on 95C.

Basic info:
Computer series started from M7
Latest AMD drivers - 21.12.1
Bios - 316
Latest VGA firmware from december - AMD_VBIOS_86018_9011_G513QY_G713QY

Level 10
Hi there,
Can you provide 2 screenshot in Armoury Crate?
One for turbo mode when the drop happen
One for manual mode, when you are playing games, I would like to see your settings.
Thank you so much.

Hi there,

Have you been able to solve this?

I'm facing exactly the same situation and notice it is being carried more from the GPU temp perspective (when it reaches 86-87 celsius it does these stutters)
This it not the way thermal throttling should be handled, please ASUS let us know whats the status and how it can be fixed

Hi there,

Please we need some answers and solutions for this issue.

After further testing, I have clearly realized that this big fps drop occurs when the GPU reaches 87 C, initiating thermal throttling.

Still, a proper implementation of thermal throttling shouldn't take the fps to 10-20, just lower a bit the mhz etc for the GPU to cool down a bit

Is someone actually gonna get intereste in this?
Please ASUS

Up!!! Will continue to insist until we get a fix

Hi there,

When are we getting an aswer to this?



Any news??

Come on asus, you can do better

i have the asus g15 3070 and my gpu never goes over 75 c, i am guessing that is how it's configured but the processor does reach 95C. i am wondering if these stutters are due to the temp scenario or to the fTPM issue with AMD everyone is talking about?

GreyWind007 wrote:
i have the asus g15 3070 and my gpu never goes over 75 c, i am guessing that is how it's configured but the processor does reach 95C. i am wondering if these stutters are due to the temp scenario or to the fTPM issue with AMD everyone is talking about?

Hi there, but according to what you mention you are also getting these stutters and with temps of 75C an below?