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Inquiry to protocols.

Level 11
How are things on the right to repair front these days?

I saw you guys thought thermal pad thickness was top secret, yet when seriously challenged actually disclosed the information.

Anyway, I was wondering if there was a rough thermal pad thickness for the FA506QR since the heatsink is all over the show and I would sooner not have to buy a million pads and test. My warranty is up and I am thinking of overhauling thermals again. Currently forced to use K5 pro, which is similar to the putty you put in yourselves, just wondering if pads would be a better option.

Customer Service Agent
Let me explain more about many people inquiry thickness of thermal "pad". Actually that is not a pad made by rubber or silicone as you know.
We used thermal grease to fill gap between heatsink and component. When temperature is cool down , it will looks like pad. That's why we can't
tell how is the thickness between heatsink and components.

Level 11
I know you haven't used a pad, I had to work on my own laptop to make it cool. I'm using K5 pro as stated hence asking if there was a rough idea on thermal pad thickness needed. AS I would have though there would be at least a rough idea on the gaps. I am guessing not then. Cheers anyway.