06-29-2021 04:15 PM
06-29-2021 05:02 PM
06-29-2021 06:17 PM
xeromist wrote:
Just doing a sanity check: You did remove the shell to make sure the receiver wasn't tucked in its holder? If its not there then I would just return it for a refund. I'm not sure if you can find it separately (maybe Ebay?) but I'm guessing it won't be easy to find and might be costly. For whatever reason people always lose the receivers for wireless devices but rarely do I see a receiver without the device.
06-30-2021 10:58 AM
Podupuis wrote:
Nothing under the shell. It missing. I hope asus support can help me out.
07-02-2021 10:30 AM
xeromist wrote:
Yeah, I guess it couldn't hurt to give them a call. Make sure to post an update here with what they tell you so other people with the same question can find it.