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GTX 1080Ti no signal and out of warranty

Level 7
Hello fine people,

I've had a debate with ASUS support Scandinavia regarding a used GTX 1080Ti I purchased a few months ago.
The card was working like a charm when I bought it but stopped working after approximately 3 months of use. The problem is, the warranty ran out exactly 1 month before it broke down - on the exact date. No signal, no BIOS detection, but lights and fans are running just fine.

Upon contacting ASUS support I was told there was nothing they could do since the card was purchased in another region. So, I asked which region in order to reach out to them instead and have my problem solved but they wouldn't say. Obviously I'm not quite settled with that and do feel like Scandinavian clients might be left entirely on their own by using something as basic as eBay to purchase products from ASUS, even when, like in this case, the product was purchased on a Danish eBay-owned company, which is the country I'm located in.

The ASUS GTX 1080Ti ROG STRIX 11G Gaming is above pricing cause it's just a bloody good card. I like it and I want it to work.
So, what to do ?
Is there a place I can send my card to for a repair or how does that work in terms of ASUS ROG products ?
Are Scandinavian ASUS clients really out of options for repairs leaving them with trash in case an expensive product breaks after warranty ?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time.


Level 10
Hello McAwkward,
Please PM me your product SN.
Thank you.

Hi Blake,

I sent you the PM two days ago. Would you kindly share an update so I know where I stand with the product ?

I have a bunch of Scandinavian users in various forums waiting impatiently since the 30xx series are being released shortly. We pretty much want to know if it’s worthwhile buying ASUS products when we might end up with expensive electronics being sent to the trash when things like these happens 1 month after end of service.

Thank you for your efforts.


Hello McAwkward,
Sorry for my late reply.
You product has 12 months local warranty in UK, instead of the place you stayed.
That's why the service center was not able to repair it.
Please kindly contact our UK team if you would like to proceed repair.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Thank you.

McAwkward wrote:
Hi Blake,

I sent you the PM two days ago. Would you kindly share an update so I know where I stand with the product ?

I have a bunch of Scandinavian users in various forums waiting impatiently since the 30xx series are being released shortly. We pretty much want to know if it’s worthwhile buying ASUS products when we might end up with expensive electronics being sent to the trash when things like these happens 1 month after end of service.

Thank you for your efforts.


Blake@ASUS wrote:
Hello McAwkward,
Sorry for my late reply.
You product has 12 months local warranty in UK, instead of the place you stayed.
That's why the service center was not able to repair it.
Please kindly contact our UK team if you would like to proceed repair.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Thank you.

Hello Blake,

With all due respect, people do not come here as a last resort for yet another supporter to toss the ball onto the next. If there’s one thing you guys need to learn about clients buying expensive products it’s the expectations of professionalism and companies taking ownership of their problems. No client on the surface of the earth will be happy with anything but that, so I suggest you guys get started right away before clients starts making noise on a larger scale. As for your suggestion, the serial number which you could relate to the UK site comes up as invalid on the UK site. Another dead end.

So, rather than me, as a client, spending another month finding the up’s and down’s in this miserable system I suggest you take ownership and deal with it in a professional manner by either you or someone else from your organisation capable of dealing with this problem reaching out to me. I will not spend month after month dealing with something as simple as a request for a repair but I will gladly spend years warning against buying ASUS products that seemingly become worthy of nothing but the trash bin should they ever break quite conveniently out of warranty.

Let’s finish the job and avoid wasting more time.


Level 10
Hello McAwkward,
I have reported the RMA system issue, and will keep you updated.
I'm really sorry that our agent did not reply you immediately about the warranty region at the first time, this has been reported as well.
You may contact your seller as well to see if they can support sending device to repair, since it's them getting the product from another region,
and we do see our online selling partners are doing such service.
Thank you.

Blake@ASUS wrote:
Hello McAwkward,
I have reported the RMA system issue, and will keep you updated.
I'm really sorry that our agent did not reply you immediately about the warranty region at the first time, this has been reported as well.
You may contact your seller as well to see if they can support sending device to repair, since it's them getting the product from another region,
and we do see our online selling partners are doing such service.
Thank you.

Dear Blake,

As I already mentioned in the original message, the purchase was made from an online website owned by eBay - private sales.

What I simply need to know is if ASUS is able to, or even interested in, solving the problem ? - In other words, do I or any other Scandinavian client buying a ASUS product that goes bust right after the warranty runs out have ANY opportunity to find a place that will repair it or will we end up having to throw it in the trash ?

If yes, please provide the info so we can solve it. If no, I will report that in the Scandinavian forums awaiting the answer before they spend money buying expensive ASUS GPU's, and you simply lost me as a client. It's rather simple, to be quite frank.

All this dancing around pretty clear questions seems rather pointless, so please provide the info I requested and let's move on.

Thank you in advance.


Level 10
Hello McAwkward,
This is not a "Scandinavian" thing...
Dealers buy products from us and then sold them to second-hand or even third-hand sellers all over the world...
We have our own ASUS Store, we sell first hand product to customers....
Thank you.

Blake@ASUS wrote:
Hello McAwkward,
This is not a "Scandinavian" thing...
Dealers buy products from us and then sold them to second-hand or even third-hand sellers all over the world...
We have our own ASUS Store, we sell first hand product to customers....
Thank you.

Hello Blake,

So, if these first hand products breaks after warranty - what do you do ?

I'm asking the most simple question in the world and in a huge global company not one single person has been able to give an answer. All I get is nonsense and backpaddling. That is truly amazing.

One last try before social media gets to see it burning on a video due to the blatant lack of respect for clients:
Can you provide an ASUS address that I can send my $1500+ just out of warranty GPU to for a repair or does it belong to the flames ?


I have a very comparable case with my GTX 1080ti still in the 36Mth warranty period, but with a conflict between local warranty in Germany and retailer ( who is in the fact danish...