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BSOD when idle with Rog Strix G732LWS 17 - possibly too low voltage

Level 7
Hi, I'm having trouble with my Rog Strix G732LWS 17 for a while now.

Specs :

Windows 10
Intel Core I7 10875H 2.30GHz
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super
SSD disk 1tr (in two separate disks)
16 Go ram in two pieces

- I bought it a year ago, Blue Screens started few month ago and are very frequent since one month.
- It started with Blue Screen after sleep mode with restart on BIOS with "Storage device not found" in place of the SSD disk.
- Then it becomes more frequent when the PC was in idle during night, in the morning I always found it in the BIOS with that "Storage device not found".
- And the BSOD started to happen after few minutes in idle or watching videos on youtube or navigating on the Internet, never when playing a game.

So I had to always run a game in background to continue using the PC for simple desk tasks.

What I tried :

- Updating all drivers and Windows
- I did several factory windows reinstall with and without drivers and windows update
- Opening the laptop to clean it and unplug the batery to remove residual energy
- Testing both ram
- Trying various windows manipulations I've seen on forums like disable .netframework sheduled task
- Trying to run windows in safe mode

What I've recently noticed is that the blue screens seem to not happen when in TURBO mode, and that in other modes the VCORE voltages seems very low (around 0.700v - 0.800v)

So my idea now would be to rise that voltage a little bit to avoid those Blue Screens, but in the BIOS it's only possible to down it. On Intel Extreme Tunning Utility the Static core voltage mode is disabled.

I would really appreciate some helps since I'm fighting for a month with those permanent BSOD that give me the will to trow the Laptop down to the deep blue of the Ocean in front of my house, and that would be not ecological.

RMA should be the very last option since I live in a very remoted island in the right middle of the Pacific Ocean (Marquesas Islands).

Thanks in advance for the help.

Customer Service Agent
Hi Petranera,

Do you mean you got BSOD after sleep mode, and then you restarted the device, it entered bios directly, and showed "Storage device not found"?
If you exited bios, did you see the storage in windows?
Did you install SSD disk and ram on your own or use the original components with the laptop?
May I have the bios version and the error message sreenshot while BSOD?
Thank you.

Hi Petranera,

Do you mean you got BSOD after sleep mode, and then you restarted the device, it entered bios directly, and showed "Storage device not found"?
If you exited bios, did you see the storage in windows?
Did you install SSD disk and ram on your own or use the original components with the laptop?
May I have the bios version and the error message sreenshot while BSOD?
Thank you.

Hi STARRAIN, thank you for your answer.

Sorry for my bad explanations, english is not my linguage.

- All parts of laptop are original components.

- Bios version is the latest 314, but problem happens also with older versions.

If the laptop is not in TURBO mode, after few minutes (from 5 minutes to one or two hours), the PC freeze and give me a BSOD (always different messages like critical_process_died, but also the other ones, sorry I can't make a screenshot I don't have other device), then it restarts automatically but in BIOS, as if it doesn't see the SSD disk and can't boot windows.

I have then to shutdown the PC myself with power button and restart it, and it goes normally in windows. Then BSOD happens again after few minutes, restart in BIOS not seing the SSD, etc. It happens in every situations : plugged, unplunged, with or without USB device connected, with updated drivers, windows and BIOS, safe mode, or with a clean factory reinstal with or without updates.

If I put the laptop in sleepmode, it restarts directly from sleep mode to BIOS with no SSD disk detected, as after a BSOD.

BSOD never happens in TURBO mode or when playing a game, what make me think of two possibility :

- Turbo mode or game give more voltage (around 1.270) instead of 0.800 (fluctuating a lot, CPUID HWMonitor showing minimum of 0.690v) in silent, performance or windows mode.

- Turbo mode or game use more the fans, so refresh more something, maybe the SSD disk. BSOD can happen if the game is paused for a while not in Turbo mode and consume less energy.

In Turbo mode it seems to never have BSOD, even if I let it the whole night running.

I already tried to unplug SSD disk and replug it to see if that was a bad connection (battery unpluged of course). I didn't tried with another SSD disk as I don't have one.

Buenas tardes alguien sabe como se presiona la tecla insert que esta combinada con la tecla delete??

Customer Service Agent
Hi Petranera,

Have you run system diagnosis in MyASUS?
Is there any error or suggestions?
Thank you.

Hi Petranera,

Have you run system diagnosis in MyASUS?
Is there any error or suggestions?
Thank you.

Yes I did that many time, that's says everything is ok.

Customer Service Agent
Hi Petranera,

Have you restored bios to all default settings?
May I have the serial number and mini dump files via PM?
*(File path: C:\Windows\Minidump) *
Thank you.

Hi STARRAIN@ROG, thanks for your following.

Bios is in default settings (bsod happens even after a factory windows reinstall, with nothing installed, updated, plugged, as it was when I bought the laptop).

There are no files in the minidump file (when the bsod happens the SSD disk seems to have stopped to work, so it can't right a minidump file).

What serial number do you need ?

Customer Service Agent
Hi Petranera,

I need the serial number of your G732LWS.
Please refer to the following link to find product serial number and then send it to me via PM.
Thank you.

Customer Service Agent
Hi Petranera,

After consulted with our tech team, there is plenty of cause of BSOD, which would be hardware and software related.
If there is no minidump file, it is difficult to analyze the cause.
We suggest backup your personal files and send the device to our local service center for further examination and reinstall OS.
Please visit our official website for contact info of our local service center.