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A-volute and Nahimic stuff not getting fetched automatically, thereby causing problem

Level 7
On both windows 10 and 11, when you install audio drivers from ASUS package, windows no longer fetches software components by its own. They now appear under "Optional Updates". I have been using Z490-E since january 2021, and I clearly remember that windows update used to fetch nahimic media and avolute software components by itself. They would appear under drivers in the installed updates section.

If you won't download them, your sonic studio will give timeout error whenever you boot from windows fastboot.

Also another problem only on windows 11: Games are modifying realtek control panel amplifier setting and setting it to lowest. The entire option just disappears. It comes back only if I do retasking of audio jack.

See more here:

Level 7
Same problems on my Z390-E Gaming with W11 and the latest Asus Realtek Audio Driver.

Customer Service Agent
Hi qlfenv,
Did two issues occur on bios 2004 with bios all default settings?
Is the Realtek Audio Driver V6.0.1.8960?
May I have screenshots or videos about the issues?
For the amplifier setting, did it occur on opening the specific games? with analog speakers or headphones plugged in?
Do you get the amplifier setting back only if you restart the pc?
Thank you.

Hi qlfenv,
Did two issues occur on bios 2004 with bios all default settings?
Is the Realtek Audio Driver V6.0.1.8960?
May I have screenshots or videos about the issues?
For the amplifier setting, did it occur on opening the specific games? with analog speakers or headphones plugged in?
Do you get the amplifier setting back only if you restart the pc?
Thank you.

EDIT: Added the video: //Notice the crackling/popping. It is more pronounced when i launch apps. It was fixed for a while, now it's back.

1. Yes, i have bios 2004, with my overclock settings for cpu and ram (It does the same at default setts too).
2. The driver version is: 6.0.9282.1, but it had these problems on older versions too.
3. I'll record a video and edit the thread with the link. ADDED@!
4. The issue with the amplifier setting is pretty straight forward: I launch CSGO while wearing headphones, Amplify level goes down to the lowest one. I open Realtek Audio Console, but the option is not there anymore. Yes, I have to restart the PC to get the option back in the R Console.
5. Also when I fresh install the driver, after cleaning all the components with DriverStoreExplorer, sometimes, in the Audio Console there won't be the equalizer option and now the Nahimic component will be installed while previously it wasn't installed. I can see it in DriverStoreExplorer.

Customer Service Agent
Hi Sahaj,
Did two issues you mentioned occur on bios 2403 with bios all default settings?
Is the Realtek Audio Driver V6.0.9244.1?
May I have screenshots or videos about the issues?
For the amplifier setting, did it occur on opening the specific games? with analog speakers or headphones plugged in?
Thank you.

Customer Service Agent
Hi qlfenv,
Thank you for your video.
I'm afraid it is screen recording and you use headphones, so I can't hear the sound get lowered or crackling/popping. If you have the same issue with a speaker, could you please record a video when use a speaker?
May I double confirm you have Amplify level issue on Realtek Audio Driver V6.0.1.8960? Do you have nahimic media and avolute software issue?
May I have the following information?
- the serial number of the motherboard via PM
- the brand and the model name of your CPU, RAM, graphics card, OS SSD, PSU, headphones and speakers when you have the issue
(Please check the specific model name of the RAM such as G.SKILL F4-3600C19D-16GSXK)
- OS version and OS build
Thank you so much.

Hi qlfenv,
Thank you for your video.
I'm afraid it is screen recording and you use headphones, so I can't hear the sound get lowered or crackling/popping. If you have the same issue with a speaker, could you please record a video when use a speaker?
May I double confirm you have Amplify level issue on Realtek Audio Driver V6.0.1.8960? Do you have nahimic media and avolute software issue?
May I have the following information?
- the serial number of the motherboard via PM
- the brand and the model name of your CPU, RAM, graphics card, OS SSD, PSU, headphones and speakers when you have the issue
(Please check the specific model name of the RAM such as G.SKILL F4-3600C19D-16GSXK)
- OS version and OS build
Thank you so much.

Ok, so I removed the new audio driver from Mokichu's thread and then I installed the official driver from my motherboard support page with ver: V6.0.1.8960. Now everything seems to be fine, no more popping, or Amplify level reset. I'll stick the official driver for now.

Customer Service Agent
Hi qlfenv,
Thank you for your feedback and reply.

Hi qlfenv,
Thank you for your feedback and reply.

I have found the problem.

Nahimic service is the culprit. It seems the service doesn't start correctly when fast startup is enabled... even though it shows "running". If I set it to Manual Enabled, SS3 will work fine after all shutdown-cold boot cycle. However, if you restart or start your PC after it loses power(it starts PC like a restart, shows code A0 on motherboard), the service won't be running in which case you'll have to enable it manually.

For now, I have turned off fast startup and set the service to start automatically, the default setting.

My PC specs are in my profile.

Coming to the amplifier problem. It happens only on Windows 11. No problems on windows 10. Also, not all games break SS3 amplifier setting. I have tried Mokichu's cleanup reinstall process, it didn't help.

Sahaj wrote:
On both windows 10 and 11, when you install audio drivers from ASUS package, windows no longer fetches software components by its own. They now appear under "Optional Updates". I have been using Z490-E since january 2021, and I clearly remember that windows update used to fetch nahimic media and avolute software components by itself. They would appear under drivers in the installed updates section.

I take this back. This is not a problem. Device manager Software component section shows A-volute component. It just doesn't show up under "Installed updates" anymore. The optional update is the newer version of this SWC.

Customer Service Agent
Hi Sahaj,
Please disable fast startup to make sure it shutdown completely.
For the amplifier setting, have you tried bios 2403 with bios all default settings and the Realtek Audio Driver V6.0.9244.1?
Did it occur when analog speakers or headphones plugged in?
May I have screenshots or videos about how the issue occurs?
Thank you.