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Yet another adaptive voltage thread

Level 7
Sorry sorry... i know... I searched, and IM still conflicted. Im running a 6850k on the deluxe II.

Im runing 4.1 at 1.20v. Speedstep is downclocking the frequency, but as I have the voltage set to static, im getting no voltage reduction. When i try adaptive, it spikes to 1.29 when runing stress test (any stress test from xtu, prime, handbrake, etc)

I tried applied the offset of .001 but that seemed to have no affect at all of limiting the voltage. My chip is stable at 1.2 doing avx ops without going about 60c. So therefore, i DONT want 1.29 volts...

is there anyway to make the voltage drop when the chip idles or should I just leave it at 1.2v?

Hi Mad_Scientist565

In the DiGi+ section of the bios set LLC to 1 or 2, the higher it's set the more it will overshoot the voltage you set. Using adaptive mode draws a little more voltage when under load.

If usung adaptive mode and you want the cpu voltage to throttle at idle, make sure speedstep and the c-states are enabled and the windows power plan is set to balanced.

Is it throtttling the voltage after doing this?

Nate152 wrote:
Hi Mad_Scientist565

In the DiGi+ section of the bios set LLC to 1 or 2, the higher it's set the more it will overshoot the voltage you set. Using adaptive mode draws a little more voltage when under load.

If usung adaptive mode and you want the cpu voltage to throttle at idle, make sure speedstep and the c-states are enabled and the windows power plan is set to balanced.

Is it throtttling the voltage after doing this?

This did not solve the issue.

I have speedstep on. Voltage set to adaptive with a +offset to .001 and LLC set to 1.

The frequency and voltage are dropping as expected during no load, however as soon as a load applied, the voltage increases to 1.29.

it shouldnt go higher than 1.201. My PC is confirmed stable at 4.2ghz at 1.2volts. I dont want to exceed that.

there is another setting set to 115. it is something about letting the cpu draw more power if inside thermal limits. perhaps change that to 100?
------- -strike that. not allowed to change this setting below 115. i tried

any other ideas?

Try using a negative offset and see if this brings the voltage down when under load.

Try offset -.090v.

This appears to have done the trick. My cpu is now locked at 1.207 when running prime 95.

it did however also drop my idle voltage from .77 to .68. at this time, that doesnt appear to be an issue and I will run it for a few days to make sure its stable. (
unfortunately, the idle temps have not droped ever a degree as I thought they might. 😞 )

also, I am use an AVX offset to drop to factory turo clock (3.8ghz) when avx workload is deteced. the .09 offset is also applied here. That said, I am not sure what the factory voltage was/is at 3.8ghz. it appears stable initially so I will leave it alone for a while. prime95 max heat thermal loads are constant in the 68 range.

anyways. on ward to the next task 😄

how to make sure c states work. (should i enable c3/c6 manually) right now c states are auto, and im not sure which states it is or is not using.

Im very happy with this cpu and mobo combo (asus dii / 6850K)

Awesome !

With the c-states set to auto they are enabled and should be using all the c-states.

Your temps look great with prime95, have you tried the ROG Realbench stress test? You should get about 10c lower using it. If you try it click stress test beside benchmark and run the 15 minute test, if it says result "Hash Match" at the end of the test you passed. 🙂

Yes I have used realbench.. thats what i use as my standard test. during real bench it runs 54c at 4.2ghz. (Cache 3.2 at 1.16volts)

I think i now have my PC just like i want it.

Thanks for the help.

Well Maybe I spoke to soon...

I did pass the realbench before at 1.2v on 4.2ghz. however this was static voltage.

on adaptive (still showing 1.2v) it froze.... twice now...


It seems you need a little more cpu voltage, try playing with the offset at -.080v.