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What is normal for GPU throttling?

Level 7
Hey guys.

So I've been monitoring my gpu while under load and playing games and I've noticed that my core clock (1100MHz) drops down to 500MHz in game, but then goes back up to the normal 1100. It will do this from time to time in game. I have GPU-z logging it in a text file so I could share it if i need to.

The questions: Is this normal? Is it GPU throttling? What is "NORMAL" for gpu throttling?

My temperatures aren't going sky high either FYI.

Thanks guys you have always been helpful!

Level 15

Chino wrote:
Would help a lot if you state the exact model of your GPU, my friend. 😉

7970 Matrix Platinum

Level 15
It's a normal behaviour what you are experiencing then. It's not throttling but it's downclocking instead. This happens when games don't demand enough usage of the your GPU so it downclocks to 500MHz.

Chino wrote:
It's a normal behaviour what you are experiencing then. It's not throttling but it's downclocking instead. This happens when games don't demand enough usage of the your GPU so it downclocks to 500MHz.

awesome explanation, man. thank you for the help! also, is there anyway to turn such an option off? say that i want the 1100 on all the time and not to down clock. is that an option or is that something that someone would not want to do?

CharFlo88 wrote:
awesome explanation, man. thank you for the help! also, is there anyway to turn such an option off? say that i want the 1100 on all the time and not to down clock. is that an option or is that something that someone would not want to do?

Depends on the user really. Some like run them at full speed. Others like to have it automatically downclock to save power and lessen the heat when it's idling.

If you download GPU Tweak, you'll notice that there is a 2D mode and a 3D mode. The 3D mode is when your GPU is working at its full potential and 2D mode is activated when your GPU is idle. So what you'd have to do is disable the 2D mode. That way your GPU will always run at its 3D mode speed even when idling in Windows. lol

Chino wrote:
Depends on the user really. Some like run them at full speed. Others like to have it automatically downclock to save power and lessen the heat when it's idling.

If you download GPU Tweak, you'll notice that there is a 2D mode and a 3D mode. The 3D mode is when your GPU is working at its full potential and 2D mode is activated when your GPU is idle. So what you'd have to do is disable the 2D mode. That way your GPU will always run at its 3D mode speed even when idling in Windows. lol

hmmm. interesting indeed. that was a lot of great information thank you for that.

Level 7
One last thing, I notice that in the 2D options that the max GPU clock speed is 300 yet my gpu scales down to 500? Is that right? Shouldnt it go down to 300 rather than 500?

CharFlo88 wrote:
One last thing, I notice that in the 2D options that the max GPU clock speed is 300 yet my gpu scales down to 500? Is that right? Shouldnt it go down to 300 rather than 500?

How many monitors are you using?

Chino wrote:
How many monitors are you using?

i am using 2 monitors