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Level 7

Level 14
It could be a bent pin, and that may not be covered in your warranty. I have seen people mention taking their boards to a jeweler to have the pins straightened, I have never done this but it sounds logical to me.
I just built a PC with a Maximus VII Gene, I dropped the CPU and bent several pins one about where you are referring and a couple below that, I took a chance and used a magnifying glass and knife tip and tried straightening them myself, at first I thought I was successful as it booted fine, loaded OS and everything appeared good, then I installed a GPU and found poor GPU performance and seen it was reported as pcieX2, not X16. I was ready to throw the board out as I damaged the pins but I tried one more time with magnifying glass and knife tip and was successful, GPU is now at pcieX16 and fully tested every thing, including overclock to 5.0GHZ on water cooling. My plan is to never remove the CPU from the socket again.

Level 9
All the pins should appear the same, so if 1 of them looks different then you do have bent pin(s).

This happens when inserting or removing the CPU not level so the pins get moved around as it is dropped into place.

I always check the cpu socket and also video me taking things out of boxes, so that way, if there is a problem with anything, it is shown that I am not responsible for it happening, and it came out of the box like that (just a suggestion for the future so that RMA's and Warranties then have to be honoured)

Level 7
I have fixed bent pins in the last 2 weeks with success,you need a strong magnifier glass and then gentle straighten out the pins to match the surrounding ones good luck.

Level 7
One thing I don't understand is why on earth do we have to still put up with CPU pins and why does ASUS not make connection hotspots on the motherboard just like on the CPU..Seems ridiculous to me to pay premium price for something just as fragile as the cheapest item on the market.

Robert Fierce wrote:
One thing I don't understand is why on earth do we have to still put up with CPU pins and why does ASUS not make connection hotspots on the motherboard just like on the CPU..Seems ridiculous to me to pay premium price for something just as fragile as the cheapest item on the market.

This isn't an ASUS issue. Intel is the one who designed the 1155/1150 socket design. Although I do agree that is is ridiculously fragile.

Level 7
So I found a good jeweller who straightened the pin, then rebuilt my system and... Still the same error. So good news that I can continue with RMA and they shouldn't send it back citing a bent pin. Would have been better news if it just worked, but so far this is a close second 🙂

Thanks everyone for the advice!

Level 40
Good luck with the RMA
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