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trying to get the max out my i7 3820

Level 7
Oke guys, but for the fun of tweaking, and let the cpu run for his money as high as it will safe get, I,m going for 4.8ghz for 24/7

so set it to 4.8ghz and run prime95 at small fft for 50 minutes.
vcore in bios is at 1.4v, do you guys see anything strange in the picture or is all looking well ????

but is running at 1.4v safe 4 24/7 overclock?
i7 3820 4.8ghz
asus rampage formula IV
16gb corsair vengeance 1600mhz
corsair h75
sapphire r9 270x toxic.
be-quit dark power pro 10/1000watt
scandisk ultraplus 128gb
cooler master haf X

Level 40
Hi gup16 🙂

It's actually pretty difficult to see what's in the picture 😮 but no I don't see anything out of place. The only thing is, with those CPUs if you OC with strap 125 you lose Speedstep; so whatever voltage you apply is constant and I think 1.4v through the CPU at all times is not the best idea IMO.

Not applicable
125 starp!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Level 7
I,m not using strap, just the mp and the bclk, and yes I disable speedstep all the time when I overclock past 4.5ghz.
And I no the best to use is a stock vcore, but that wont run with 4.8ghz haha.
I can not go that lower on the vcore, only to 1.390.
I no its not the best idea but is it harmful
i7 3820 4.8ghz
asus rampage formula IV
16gb corsair vengeance 1600mhz
corsair h75
sapphire r9 270x toxic.
be-quit dark power pro 10/1000watt
scandisk ultraplus 128gb
cooler master haf X

gup16 wrote:
I,m not using strap, just the mp and the bclk, and yes I disable speedstep all the time when I overclock past 4.5ghz.
And I no the best to use is a stock vcore, but that wont run with 4.8ghz haha.
I can not go that lower on the vcore, only to 1.390.

Yep, you are using 120 Strap, as multi won't allow you to go beyond 4.4 with the strap/bus at 100.
I can do 5GHz @ 1.390 on my 3820 :cool:

Level 40
Yip you are mate but no worries that is a good OC and nice volts.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 7
oke but I mean I have the option to use strap and the optie to use the bclk, so that's what I use.
but what I see and here if the temps are oke I can run 1.4v for 24/7 without any problem?
i7 3820 4.8ghz
asus rampage formula IV
16gb corsair vengeance 1600mhz
corsair h75
sapphire r9 270x toxic.
be-quit dark power pro 10/1000watt
scandisk ultraplus 128gb
cooler master haf X

Level 40
If you set certain levels of BCLK then the strap is automatically changed. 120 BCLK for example will be strap 125.

The voltage question is one that is difficult to answer. If temps are OK then maybe OK but the simple fact is that no one can say for sure.

Maybe the CPU can run for years at that voltage maybe for a few months. I would personally stay under 1.35v for 24/7 just to give myself a better chance of the CPU lasting. Like I said with speedstep disabled 1.4v constantly to the CPU could well reduce it's life expectancy. But to what? Months down from 3 years or 3 years down from 10 years...who knows...

If your temps are good and you're comfortable then all good....

Level 7
oke then we will see how long it will run on this setting then, if it fails then I will back down.
core temps while gaming wil not go over 66 degrees for the highest core, in bf4
And even when I enable speedstep the vcore and speed stays the same, it will not clock down
i7 3820 4.8ghz
asus rampage formula IV
16gb corsair vengeance 1600mhz
corsair h75
sapphire r9 270x toxic.
be-quit dark power pro 10/1000watt
scandisk ultraplus 128gb
cooler master haf X

Not applicable
you can run at >1,4v for years, without any noticeable degrade with that cpu, what can damage your CPU, is other voltages/settings. I have seen people in this forum running insane settings, with damage as a result later on.. This is because of the lack of knowledge..

1,45v VTT is not needed for 4500mhz 24/7 (an example)

keep the ratios, and the voltages/temps on a OK level, and that cpu wont degrade while you own it

Stop running Prime for long periods, i know its the delight of the day, but try not to