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Temperature controlling my laptop

Level 7
Okay, so, I got this laptop:

Now, I have Core Temp monitoring my temperatures, and I often like to play some heavy 3D games like Planet Coaster with the graphics settings cranked up. After some time playing, Core Temp reads:

Note the "(!)" by one of the cores, which Core Temp says:
(!) represents a warning notifying the user that his processor has reached a critical temperature at least once while Core Temp has been running.
This is an indication to a severe overheating issue and should be attended to as soon as possible to prevent instability and damage to components.

Now, I'd normally set Core Temp, when a core reaches, say, 175 F (79 C), to run a batch file with
powercfg.exe -setactive SCHEME_CURRENT

That did keep the temperature regulated for my last laptop, but doesn't seem to help much for my current one. What I've done now is set Armoury Crate to Windows mode, and I've so far played a fair bit in my really intense 3D games, seems to lag a bit more and take a bit longer to fully render things, but thus far the temperature has not exceeded 158 F/70 C. I'd like to set it so it can go faster, but I want to keep the temperature below 190 F/88 C, is there a good way to set the computer not to exceed that temp?
101 REPLIES 101

Okay, so I stumbled upon these articles:

I have my laptop currently on the Windows profile, okay? So, I opened up Windows power settings, looked at the advanced power options, and it showed the maximum processor state at 50%. I raised it to 75% so I'll see how that does...

Jcomper23 wrote:
Okay, so I stumbled upon these articles:

I have my laptop currently on the Windows profile, okay? So, I opened up Windows power settings, looked at the advanced power options, and it showed the maximum processor state at 50%. I raised it to 75% so I'll see how that does...

I wouldn't use Windows mode in Armoury Crate for Gaming. I have mine set up so I use Windows mode for work/browsing etc. I have one Performance mode for light gaming and Turbo mode for FPS critical gaming. Asus will switch Windows Power Plans accordingly. For example, in Windows mode, it uses Balanced profile whereas Performace/Turbo use High Performance Profile. Setting CPU max % to control temp isn't recommended especially if you are using Throttlestop/undervolt/PL tweaks.

I don't think XTU is installed... All I see is this:


Okay, now the folder looks like:


And it doesn't let me delete it. Does Armoury Crate use the files?


I've got Scar III G731GW with i7 9750H/RTX2070.
Firstly, I want to share: I uninstalled Interl XTU because it's a pile of bugs! 🙂 ThtottleStop works fine and monitors both GPU and CPU temperatures. I managed to get it working steadily with CPU core and offset -120 and iGPU -155. That dropped the temperature in browser/office to 42C, and to 61C while gaming.
With GPU I used MS Afterburner to downvolt and reached down to 62C from 85C (while playing PUBG and WOT @ ultra settings)!

Has anyone reached complete scilence while using browser? My CPU is usually 42-44C in this mode and I can clearly hear the rightside vent.

Secondly, what is the purpoose of Armory Crate profiles? Do they only change coolers' performance without changing CPU/GPU modes? What do these profiles actually control?


Okay, I put on ThrottleStop, and set it thus:


So far, my cores have topped at 76 C, and the computer seems to go fairly smoothly...

Jcomper23 wrote:
Okay, I put on ThrottleStop, and set it thus:


So far, my cores have topped at 76 C, and the computer seems to go fairly smoothly...

Glad to hear. You have agonized over this far too long. 🙂

I adjusted the settings thus...


So far, it's done okay, a bit choppy, but the temp seems to hang around 76 C...

Okay, guys, has anyone used the Turbo profile on Armory Crate? Is it the same as overclocking?

Jcomper23 wrote:
Okay, guys, has anyone used the Turbo profile on Armory Crate? Is it the same as overclocking?

From what I can gather Turbo Profile allows ~45W TDP during heavy gaming wherease Performance hovers around 35W. However, this will make fans work overtime to compensate. So, i usually stick with Performance preset for games I wanna play at 60 FPS and for the ones with more FPS like First Person Shooters, I would consider using Turbo preset. Also, if you decide to use Throttlestop, pay attention IcMax settings. I noticed on Cache it defaulted to 11A? It should be 128A per HWInfo readings. If you still get those pesky EDP Other warnings. You can try setting PP0 Current limit up a bit to about 150. This eliminated 99% EDP Other warnings unless there is PL1/PL2 limit warnings. One last thing, do install RwDrv.sys by installing Disable and Lock Turbo Power Limits in FIVR window. This will allow full control over PL1/PL2 limits in the system.
Also, don't forget to use MSI afterburner to set Undervolt/OC on GPU by using OC scanner, which will usually give you about 200MHz boost across the board. Once this is done, cap the curve by setting it to about 0.9v max. This allows me to get full desktop performance 90% of the time (about 1950MHz clock speed on core), only dipping a bit when overall system gets "Hot," which really isn't but NVIDIA thinks it is... >_>;;;