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Some questions about MB

Level 7
Hello i hope here will be some ppl who on the same page with me... :S
Question how long MB was at the same form like now mean prosessor on the same plase, gpus on the same plase
from 1995 it isnt change much but components grow all the time more power more heat so when MB makers wake up?
Who will make 1st move?
PS: sorry 4 my english....:o

Level 40
What you are sort of saying is the same as saying that all cards are still the same since the T-Ford. 4 wheels and an engine. Still the same really but just more powerful.

Motherboards have moved on a whole lot and just because they are still flat and you plug components into the connectors does not mean they have not evolved.

If I have not understood and it is possible then please expand a little. 🙂
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Level 7
Ok explane more why MB is flat and all plugs on one site. Ok picture will help30209 (im not a picasso but), why cant make something like this components cooling will be much better. And easier as allways need some one who try 1st it maybe good promotion and it dosnt depend work it or not 😕

Level 16
PSU on the top has already proven to be a less good idea... in almost all of the new cases it is on the bottom with it's own separated airflow...

If you want new concept in building pcs, check the new Apple Mac Pro... 🙂

Level 7
nooo i want new consept on MB yeah i knowe about psu, just put it up cos at the bottom dosnt left any space 😄 Come on macs its own leagasy.
But if MB can split airflow on 2 it will be helpfull then if between GPUs left more space in crossfire x3 or sli it will help.

Level 7
Humans are too scared of change and CEOs are too scared of their shareholders to allow their R&D boffins off the lease and make something radically different in case it impacts badly on the bottom line figure. No large corporations will ever risk their share price on different direction or going against the grain. exactly why cars of today are just more powerful model T fords. nothing changes, it just gets upgrades.
Board: MVIF
CPU: intel core i7 4770k@4.8GHz
GPU: R9 290x
RAM: 16gb Corsair Vengence 2133MHz
Case: Coolermaster HAF xb
Cooling: custom water loop
Monitor: Asus PB278Q

My build log photo dump

Level 40
OK so a new concept, like what particularly simply rearranging the place that hardware is put? What you have to understand is that it is not about manufactures wanting to stifle creativity it is about uniform standards. So that all the partners in the industry can make products that are compatible.

Those standards are discussed and worked out via a time line of implementation. Think USB adoption, think power requirements and standards EPU and the like, think PCIe gen3, think SATA 6G think motherboard form factors. So within those limitations of convention designers have to work, now there is one additional constraint. Physics 🙂
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 7
Yeah i understand all this but i dont want to give up on new ideas... and i think this isnt imposible idea cos only case and mb need modification. And pc cases need too something new or only mac is improving all the time...

Level 16
No, don't give up new ideas! Just have to understand the implementation will take time…

I think, the newest idea with the pc cases which went in practice is the horizontal position of the mobo… - I mean, it's just a re-invention… the idea was present from the beginning of the pc history (just think about those cases from below the monitors), but then the tower-like cases took over… and now is back! :cool:

Mostly in the mini- and micro-atx section, but we also have the CM HAF XB style, which fits even bigger mobos too… - and there you have already a new way to cool your system, without even re-designing the mobo...

Level 40
This is inovation I have one and it is a gem of a board.

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