Using the 5 way I have been overclocking my 5930k. At first I tried letting the 5 way do it's thing and it ended up at 4000mhz so I ran it at that for some time but then I wanted to up that a bit so I used the 5 way again but this time choose 4200mhz from the advanced drop down box. I know I should be using the bios to overclock but being an novice at this I would rather use the 5 way.
It all went fine but I noticed my voltage was staying at 1.232v and not reducing at idle like the mhz was. In the first lower overclock the voltage would be variable and be lower at idle but this overclock has the voltage staying at 1.232v or 1.222 according to cpuz.
I am also concerned about running this much voltage with my memory (Corsair vengeance lpx 2800mhz).
Here are some screen grabs to show settings and readings so if you guys see anything wrong or needing changed please let me know.