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Sabertooth 990FX R 2.0 Bios Update wont read HDs

Level 7
Hey guy I'm new to this forum and I hope you guy can give me a hand with this issue because I don't have a clue.

Today I updated the Bios to my mother board to 2005.(Worst Idea ever!) After I flashed using the Asus Update. I restarted and it went straight to the UEFI Bios. I just updated the Boot sequence and restarted hoping my OS will just boot like normal and it doesn't not only that I notice it didnt even do a complete POST. After messing around with it for a while I took the Logo off when it boots and notice it wasn't reading my hard drives during POST just shows the keyboard and mouse. But the Boot Override reads the drive just fine. And I am actually able to boot into the OS just fine throught that option. I opened my case and move the drives to different slots on the sata ports and they are being read now but it still will not AUTOMATICALLY boot into it. Ive Changed the sequence every which way possible. I've called technically support and the only thing they can tell me is to down grade back to the original bios and slowly flash up the updated bios list till i reach 2005. And I did and rolled back to see if it will work and it was a big waste of time. I played around with every feature on the SATA ports and boot sequence over and over again and I cant get anywhere. I've worked with computer for some years now and never experienced anything like this...

Sabertooth 990FX R2.0
8350 stock clock
16GD DDR3 Ram

Thanks in advance!!!

Level 7
Did you load optimized defaults in the uefi prior to upgrading it ? Did you load optimized defaults after upgrading the uefi ? Did you disable your antivirus until the uefi was flashed to 2005 ? You need to do all of that. After the 2005 version of the uefi is in and has optimized defaults loaded, go back and set your ram timings, if need be. Also rehook everything how it was at first hard drive/ssd/dvd-rw wise.

Level 7
Yes i loaded the defaults after the upgrade. I don't have an antivirus. I set defaults for ram already. and I unhooked everything and only left the HD with the OS. No change.

Level 7
Anyone have ANY input?

Level 10
Not very technical or supportive from technical support.

Sounds like a bios setting if the drive will boot windows.

What are your hard drives?
Your boot priority order is?
Your Sata controller is set to?
Maybe easier to just take a screen shot.
What bios are you now running?

Level 7
The HD that has Windows is a OCZ
Boot priority is Option 1: OCZ Option 2: CD Drive
Sata Controller is set to AHCI
I will take some screen shots in a sec
Running Bios 2005 on a Sabertooth 990FX R2.0

Level 7

Level 10
Where it says "Hard Drive BBS priorities", in there is your OCZ set as the first boot?

Was this installed under the ACHI controller previously?

Is your OS drive in the first Sata port?

Lastly when you do let it run where does it get to, and how does it stop?

Level 18
srt .. Welcome to ROG.

When you first set up your computer, was it set to ahci or ide ?

EDIT: sorry poco .. wuz typ'n same time .. but, OP, was it?

Level 10
Dude, did I miss the welcome?

Or am I just hogging too many threads 🙂

In jest of course.

CP 🙂 Your input is always welcome, even if it to come and steal what looks like the glory. 🙂

Any joy OP?