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ROG Team Super Pi Challenge Oct 18 - Nov 17 2012

Level 40
To celebrate the formation of the new ROG Supreme OC HWBOT team. I think it is only appropriate that we have a little benching challenge to get things really started. This challenge is only open to ROG Supreme OC members.

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Submissions open - 18 October 2012
Submissions close - 17 November 2012 12:00 GMT

And what better benchmark than Super Pi.

Download here

Rules here

Challange wallpaper downloaded here

The Challenge - ROG Super Pi efficiency

Post your best 32 mil and 1 mil times.
Both submissions must be run at the same CPU frequency.
Memory frequency is capped at 2400 MHz. Not one MHz more. 🙂
Open to AMD and Intel users.
Both submissions are rated for efficiency and the efficiency rating for each benchmark combined.
The winner has the best efficiency total.

Air and Water cooling only, for memory and CPU - No sub zero cooling allowed.
A photo of your benching rig must accompany your submission.
Contest is only open to ROG Supreme OC team members - your entry must include your HWBOT profile link. 🙂
Each submission must have the wallpaper that Chris designed for this challenge.
Each submission must comply with the HWBOT rules for submission.
Each submission must have the motherboard tab of CPUz open.


There is a CPU or kit of Ram up for grabs.

The CPU will be either a:

Intel® Core™ i7-990X Processor Extreme Edition (Brand New and never used)
Intel® Core™ i5-2550K Processor (binned 5.5GHz) not used for HWBOT submission will be certain silver cups in all 2D benchmarks and CPUz

I will let the winner decide which prize they need or want the most.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.
608 REPLIES 608

HiVizMan wrote:
Huge respect to all of you that participated and I hope to see you guys play in the Vantage challenge that is next up from the 24th November. 😄

Single card challenge? Or anything goes lol?

Level 15
Sounds good to me mate, though I wouldn't say i've really made any gains...all I did was swap CPU lmao 😛

Level 40
You learnt something did you not? That is a gain in my view.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 40
Not sure what format yet Chino, but am open to suggestions.

Bare in mind that some folks have 4 cards to play with, so anything goes can be hectic unless there is a handicap system.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 10
A 3d challenge is pretty hard to do because of so many factors.And for vantage it matter what card,how many,what cpu,4 or 6 core etc.

If i were to make a very nice challenge for 3d,i would choose 3dmark 2001.Old school.Put a cap on nature fps and let;s go tweaking 🙂

Level 16
Hello, guys, it seems that I'm failing to supply with the video HiVizMan was asking for... I've got very busy with my work and it is difficult to get physically to my TestBench these days... Will make the video as soon as possible, of course, just it may not be in time...

So, I was thinking to withdraw my submissions from this challenge... remaining a participant only but not being a contestant... - my results should not count on the board from now...

I'm really sorry for not being able to go all the way until the end! It was a great fun and I did learn a lot - thank you HiVizMan for doing this for us! I hope that there will be many more challenges like this... 🙂

Level 40
Super PI lucky draw list.

As per the sandbagging discussion a few weeks ago, no new participants to this challenge will be considered. But please those who have submitted an entry do try and knock out the current leader off the top of the Leader board. So to repeat only those who have already submitted may submit further attempts.

Who knows what rabbits he will pull out of his Romanian hat if he is challenged. 😮

These are what I most remember from my visits to Bucharest.


Can not remember how to say the name and certainly can not spell it, but man alive are they good to eat. It is bread that is cooked over a charcoal rotisserie, then sliced. I liked them with cinnamon and sugar with a hot chocolate.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 16
He-he, that's the "kürtőskalács"! It's english name is "chimney cake" and it's one of sekler's (a small ethnic group in eastern Transylvania, talking hungarian) speciality...

Level 40
Cake! cake is not pie! If it's not a pie it doesn't belong in this thread!


Arne Saknussemm wrote:
Cake! cake is not pie! If it's not a pie it doesn't belong in this thread!


I will drink to that.

To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.