The 10900k is a bit more compliant with fast ram like that, the 11900k is slightly more stringent. 4400 is probably too fast for the 11900k or the voltage G.Skill overclocked them with is too much for that particular bin. Those sticks have a very fast first word latency of 7.727ns which is great and they have the correct quad ranking for maximum performance. Means the sticks are capable of being freaky fast so that is good. Just going to need to go manual and drop speed, timings and voltage down a bit until it matches what that specific CPU and mobo can support. Every 11900k is going to be a bit different. Also, after a year or so, the CPU will degrade a bit requiring lower timings.
Try dropping the speed to 4000, voltage to 1.4v and CAS to 18-22-22-42. That rate has a 9ns first word latency which might be a bit more compliant