I've got issues with my board going to into sleep mode, waking from sleep mode and staying in sleep mode; you name it, this gutter trash motherboard struggles with anything S mode related!
I think disabling 'wake on magic packet' reduced the frequency of the unprovoked wakes, but since the board almost never obeys my sleep timer, this doesn't help much!
I've also had the thing refuse to fully wake on occasion too; the screen stays blank and the keyboard borked, but the lights and fans are whurring away!?
I've got the board completely stock, no overclocks and nothing whatsoever deviating from the 'Optimized defaults'.
It could be one of the latest BIOS updates, so I'm trying to revert to 4702, but keep getting the 'image outdated' message; I thought this was just related to the BIOS/UEFI transition, but it seems to affect a revision 2 rounds old!? I tried the BIOS renamer, but it still comes up with this message.
I totally hate this board, it can't get anything right, not even the basics such as sleep mode; I install £30 mobos at work all day, and it's frustrating to see these just work as expected, whilst I've dropped more that Putin did on the Sochi Games, and everything is piss poor quality!