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Rampage iv problem "overclocking failure" with no overclock

Level 7
Plese help i have tried absolutely everything

System specs:
rampage iv extreme
intel 3930k
corsair dominator gt 2133mhz (4x4gb)
asus direct cu II radeon 7950
corsair hx 1050w

for quite a while ago i assembled my computer.
After a while, after i had it all sett up with windows and stuff
then i installed crysis 2 and started playing i got a little in to the first scene in the submarine.
Then the pc froze and i lost signal to my monitor, i satt there for a good 15 minutes and ended up having to turn it of using the power button.
When the pc rebooted a error message came up "overclocking failed"
even though i havent done any overclocking
i then updated the bios and enabled xmp profile.
i am currently able to run windows, but can play any games or do anything cpu og gpu intesive.
afther reading a lot of different forums i tried with different memory and a new cpu nothing helps.
i have tried every ting i can think of.
Please help 😧

Any help at all would be immensely appreciated

English is not my native language so please excuse any potensial grammatical faults c:

Level 16
Do you have connected all the power cables? Including the Ez_plugs?

The XMP setting is already meaning that you're OC'ing... I would set back the BIOS to it's defaults (F5) and try playing your games again... - just to see what will happen...

ok so i should conect the ez plugg and sett the bios to default?

Level 16
Exactly! That's how I would start the troubleshooting...

i reset the bios to default and plugged in the ez plugg.
but the same keeps happening 😧

Level 40
As Zka17 said running XMP is overclocking. Intel spec is 1600 Mhz for the RAM anything over that is not guaranteed to work. If your CPU has a weak memory controller 2133 may not be possible.

However, the normal case would be you simply have to tweak some voltages etc. in the BIOS. If you follow Zka17's advice and the RAM works at default settings you might like to set XMP again and check what DRAM voltage is set and what VCCSA, VTT, and CPUPLL levels the XMP profile are choosing. If the RAM doesn't work at default you may have a bad stick so just put one stick in at a time to check each one.

Running memtest at default will help diagnosis too.

Non voltage tweaks that may help include setting CPU clock gen filter to 10uf
Tweak mode to 2
In DIGI+ section VCCSA LLC to Med, VCCSA current capability to 140%, DRAM current capability to 120%( or a bit higher) and DRAM power phase to optimized.

Level 16
Also, are you running that 7950 at stock speeds?

Level 7
yes i have done zero overclocking on my rig

Level 7
"Non voltage tweaks that may help include setting CPU clock gen filter to 10uf
Tweak mode to 2
In DIGI+ section VCCSA LLC to Med, VCCSA current capability to 140%, DRAM current capability to 120%( or a bit higher) and DRAM power phase to optimized."

would that be with XMP profile ?

Level 40
Yes, for running at 2133...

I don't know what voltage your XMP sets...

You could set ai overclock tuner to manual...input first timings manually

And set voltages manually. If the kit is rated 1.5 try adding a bit 1.55...1.6. if rated 1.65 try adding .1 at a time.
But also try VCCSA and VTT at 1.25 or 1.20 and cpu pll at 1.8 to 1.85 or even 1.9. and then reduce them until you get instability....

Just one thing at a time so you know what has the efect;)