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RAID wont rebuild

Level 7
I recently purchased a new computer with a rampage IV extreme mobo.
I had built a RAID10 inside of the machine with 4 3tb HD’s.
Everything was working great. RAID was operating as it should.
Unfortunately I had to replace the mobo. It was replaced with the same make and model.
I was hoping when I plugged it all back in it would just come together but it didn’t.

When I set my bios SATA setting to RAID, it boots fine and I see the RAID controller screen during start up but it sees all the drives as separate drives not as a RAID.

I’m hoping to get my RAID back. Any ideas?

Do I need to do a clean install of windows and set the SATA controller to RAID before installing windows? If so, can I use a different drive to do the install and then put my old drive back in after the install is complete?


windows 7 ultimate
ASUS rampage IV extreme
intel i7 4930k