I know this is an old thread but I like to add in case others with the same error on a Maximus X Hero with an i7 8700k get error code 00.
A few days ago I left my PC on running Ubuntu 18.04 all night. When I went back to it in the morning I had a non responsive desktop with just a pink screen, as if it was stuck trying to go into sleep mode. After a hard shut down by pressing the power button for 4 seconds, I had a QCode 00 and CPU light lit on the mobo. It would not boot. After testing with different ram and a graphics card from my other Maximus VIII Ranger, with no cure, I was left with just the CPU to test.
I changed the CPU for a brand new i7 8086k and the problem was fixed. So I have a dead i7 8700k that is still under warranty, which caused the Qcode 00.
I'm planning on getting a change over for a new i7 8700k and upgrading my other desktop with it with a new z370 mobo, probably a Maximus X Formula, because I can use all the other hardware that is on the Maximus VIII Ranger. This is for my Daughter who enjoys playing games.