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problem with X79 deluxe (maybe also windows/memory??) help needed please!

Level 7
I've had my X79 deluxe based build for the better part of 6 months now, and haven't had any issues until about 2 months ago. at the time i thought it was a fluke, but it keeps happening, and i'm finally breaking down and asking for help.

full build list:
intel i7-4820k
gskill 4x4 ripjaws X kit, 2133 speed (i have 2 of those, but only use 7 of the 8 slots, because one causes an instant crash, despite memtest 86+ showing no errors of any of the sticks and i can use that slot if not all of them are populated)
msi GTX 760 TF OC
asus xonar dgx sound card
samsung 840 evo 120GB
WD 1TB blue
windows 7 professional 64-bit
LG blu-ray drive
noctua NH-D14 SE2011
NZXT hale 82v2 850w psu
and a mid-size NZXT case I don't remember the name of at the moment

the issue: seemingly at random, the computer will hang like an old video game where it just repeats a fraction of a sound infinitely and freeze. the first time it did this, i wasn't doing anything but watching a twitch stream. no other foreground programs running, the usual skype/steam/widgets, etc running in the background, and after 20 seconds of hanging or so, it blue screened and said some hardware failed, or another issue with windows occured. so i turned it back on and started to run diagnostics, which turned no results up, and bought a second kit of memory to replace the current one with. my thinking was i'd get rid of the memory, which seemed to be the only likely problem, and since it was g.skill i'd get free warranty and replacement, so then by the end of the ordeal, i'd have 32GB and be unstoppable. well, after the bad memory got sent back, and the new good memory was in, i got the replacement memory, and populated the other slots. it ran fine the very first time, all 32 working and up to proper speed, but it crashed again shortly thereafter, the same way. so i started memtesting both kits and both turned up no errors, again. after i removed the one stick, it runs fine, but it still hangs sometimes like it did before all the memory got changed around.

i also keep having this strange thing where when i shut down windows, sometimes i can hear the thing powering down, but the fans and case LEDs stay on, and then it'll reboot by itself. i have no idea what is causing these problems, but it's getting on my nerves finally.

Level 40
I'd suspect the RAM first and foremost...many many problems running two different kits. I would separate the two kits carefully and then use only one quad kit on the recommended slots...Memtest86+ the one kit at F5 defaults and at XMP (or manual set up if you do that)

If you have problems test each stick of that kit and test each red slot with a known good stick.