06:25 AM
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08:24 PM
12-21-2019 02:00 PM
12-22-2019 01:41 AM
KILLER_K wrote:
Change your Power Options in the Control Panel and see if that fixes it for you. Change it to Maximum Performance and see what happens for you.
Super Gnome wrote:
I was getting some temporary throttling the first week I started gaming with my new build. The solution was to change the power option as the above poster mentioned. That either helped or coincided with the problem disappearing. I have since then switched back to "Balanced" and have had no throttling since, except for after installing some Windows updates. It seems to me that some of those updates must involve scanning or something like that--and that these updates are the likely cause of any throttling.
12-22-2019 03:20 AM
tousmic88 wrote:
Salut ,si cela ne le fait qu'avec Fallout 76 alors ton 9900k n'est pas fautif mais bien le jeux !
12-22-2019 02:15 PM
12-22-2019 03:27 PM
Super Gnome wrote:
If it is the game that is causing the throttling, that makes sense. If any software is causing problems simply lower your in game settings. Starting with FPS and other graphics settings this will really help. And it's very likely you won't noticeably change the quality of the game play even if you limited your FPS to as low as 30 (which I do--and my CPU and GPU are running at extremely healthy temperatures, to boot).
You might also consider running HWMonitor to see what your max temperatures are reaching. In my rig, with its well below max settings, a lot of days the GPUs never go above 52 degrees. The CPU is maxing out at 62, but is very rarely above 40.
12-23-2019 02:44 AM
NewGamer2020 wrote:
currently everything is running perfect actually no stutter or fps drop at 60fps locked, my only concern is the fact HWInfo is telling me the CPU cores are dropping to 800mhz for less then a second from time to time. It is unusual behavior, and the fact i'm running High performance mode, tells me something weird is going on.
12-23-2019 01:01 PM
Super Gnome wrote:
I had the same thing--as mentioned above. Another thing I did was look at Task Manager. Sometimes your rig can be running stuff you don't need. You might have installed something that is running from start up even though you don't need it.