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Pitch Black

Level 40
End of an RIVE has just shipped out to a new home. Great board!

Now Arne is going:

373 REPLIES 373

Level 40
Yes, I'll get some pics out this week if its finished.....still waiting on all black cables...

And the volts....I won't go mad....I'm rather thinking that I would stick at the same volts as before...just do so more comfortably...if I ever approach one of your scores I'll know I've left caution behind LOL 😉

Level 16
Nah, the Enthusiasts League's rules allow the aquarium chillers as Haileas are... they won't go sub-zero and just compensate for those who can bench in very cold climates vs tropical climates...

Not applicable

Enthusiasts league

Gobi dessert = phase charger
Svalbard = You need a heater

Level 16
I saw that ObscureParadox has opened a thread in this subject on HWBOT. I have asked Massman and Christian to give us a straight answer...

I think Enthusiasts league should be about "above zero" cooling instead of "ambient"... "sub-zero" for Xtreme and Pro clockers... - would be easier, don't you think?

Not applicable
and subzero water cooling?

water cooling is enthusiast.. subzero xtreme

I had issues with this, because i run subzero water, or did

But i joined the OC league, after a while

because when you use -20c water, that is xtreme in my book..

anyone care for a shower?

Level 16
Anything sub-zero should go to the OC League, I agree... but anything over zero is still Enthusiast League... - at least that's how I would like to see...

Level 40
I would think 0 degrees is the limit yes. Ambient doesn't mean anything if you are benching at Vostock. Need a fixed figure for division between Enthusiast and degrees C seems a sensible place to fix that limit.

Not applicable
yes subzero should be the line i think, for OC or enthusiast..

Level 16

Level 7
I personally believe it should be anything sub ambient. I have benched with my water loop and had below 0c temps when it was around -15c in my area. This isn't something that effects me at all since I'm in the OC league anyway, but it does create an unfair advantage in the enthusiast league.

On a side not though, we could argue all day long about what is fair and what isn't when the fact is we can never create a 100% fair environment for the enthusiast league since someone from Yakutsk in Russia could easily get sub zero temperatures with a decent air cooler at certain times of the year. But without proof who is to say that he's sub zero? Also would he be sub zero throughout the entire benching session so should he be in the OC league or Enthusiast league?

For example, I was benching a 4870 on DICE but for my last run on 3DMark 03, the temps were 1c at the start of the bench and 17c by the end. The pot still had DICE in it but throughout the entire run it never went below 0c because I was in a rush to get that done before I moved on to something else. Where would I be placed then since I used DICE but I never went below 0c?